Part 16: Speed Demon

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Michael's P.O.V:

We finally made our way to the garage.

"I didn't think you would own a motorcycle.", Penelope says.

"Well it's part of my new image."

"I see. Do you know how to ride it?"

I put my leg over the bike and turns to her and lie by saying, "No clue, so hop on."

She puts her hand on her hips to answers, "I'm not getting on. I'm finally where I want to be, and I'm not going to risk it."

"I'm only teasing you.", I say chuckling.

"Now hop on."

"Okay... I'm trusting you.", Penelope says as she does as told.

"There's nothing to worry about. The Staple Center is about 15-20 minutes away."

"Gotcha." I hand Penelope a helmet. Penelope then puts her hands on her thighs.

"Penelope you're going to have to hold on to me."


"Hold my waist." Penelope only puts her hands on my waist.

I laugh and say in between breaths, "I meant...hug me waist!"

"Don't laugh at me. I've never been on a bike before.", Penelope replies in a high pitch voice.

"Sorry, *cough cough* now let's go."

Penelope's P.O.V:

As soon as the engine roars, I jumped and squeeze Michael tighter.

"Come on, it's only getting started", Michael says with a wicked smirk. I sigh to his remark.




"You did that on purpose.", I say handing Michael the helmet. I take my curly hair out of the bun.

"Did what on purpose?", Michael finally questions as we walk into the back door of the stadium.

"Drove like a maniac. You got me all sick."

"Sorry about that. At least we made it alive."

"Barely.", I mumble.

"Oh shut up.", Michael laughs.

"Okay fine. So, is there anyone here at the stadium?"

"We reserved the place for rehearsals, so I don't think so."

"Oh okay. How long have you guys rehearsed?"

"About six months."

"Okay", I say calmly, but in my head, I'm screaming my head off while pulling my hair out.

"I brought you here early, because I want to practice with you alone. You know? Like get you use to the stage. Is this your first gig besides being in the club?."

"Yeah. I don't see this as a gig, I see it as a dream becoming a reality."

"I'm glad we all can make them come true.", Michael says while putting his arms around my shoulder.

We got to front and center of the stage. Everything starts to hit me, hard. I finally made it. I really did. I got no support from anyone. I got from nothing to something. I should be proud of myself, but I only feel more insecure. I wonder if Caroline would be proud.

Hope she got out of that hell hole. Oh right, Caroline won't have to leave that house, because everyone loves her there. But for me, I had to run away ASAP. I wonder if they worried about me. What am I thinking? Of course they didn't. Why would they?

"Earth to Penelope." Michael shakes his hand in front of my face.

"I'm sorry. There's just so much to think about."

I lay on the stage with my arms and legs out, kind of like I'm making a snow angel. Michael comes down, but only plopped next to me.

"Like what?", Michael questions.

"Stuff like how far I've gotten from just yesterday. Also wondering how Caroline's doing."

"Are you planning on see your family again."

"I don't know really... sounds pretty scary in a way."

"Where do they live?"

"Last time they were in Arizona, but they could all be dead by now."

"Penelope!", Michael protests.

"Oh sorry. I forgot you were sensitive about family."

"Regardless, you shouldn't talk about people in that way."

"I'm sorry..."

"You don't have to apologize to me. Just keep it in mind."

Michael begins to play with my hair. I close my eyes & start to remember
when I use to play with Caroline's hair.

She always told me it felt good. I never got to experience the feeling though, because Caroline never wanted to play with my hair.

Michael gasps then scoots back. I open my eyes to see Michael's eyes nearly out of his head.

"What's wrong?" I sit up to face him.

"You moaned."

Michael mumbles with his soft voice. His face turns into a bright pink.

"Oh calm down Michael. It's not like that was your first time hearing a girl moan." I laugh then dies down from silence. Michael hasn't said a word.

"Don't tell me I'm right."

Author's note:

I just realized that the first verse of the song "Dangerous", describes the same way Michael saw Penelope on stage! I thought that was pretty freaky.

Anyways, I noticed that I got a little over 200 reads! I never thought I was going to get this many.

Thank you for reading!♥️

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