September 9th

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Hi hi!
Tonight I had a family dinner with a few relatives how came to visit for a few days. Now for those who know my family they will know the stuff happening at the moment (for those who don''s complicated).

Anyway the point of this post is that normally I eat alone (or will my dogs 🐶) unless I'm with friends or a special occasion. I do not know what makes me feel more lonely eating on my own with the memories or eating with others and realising how I normally feel lonely....even abandoned.

The reason I eat alone is because of the complications (that I mentioned about my family) and well just do not take it for granted. If you get to spent time with your family, friends, or anyone/anything important embrace it as the next moment it could all burn in flames.

Some of you reading this my understanding what I mean and my be going thought or gone through something similar. For me I noticed after a while I feel almost empty....until I am left alone....then I can't explain it.

It's ok not to be ok! It's ok to talk! If you need anyone to listen to you, then just message me. I may not BEABLE to reply straight away, but I will definitely reply before 24 hours (probably before 12 hours).

Hope you have a great day, week, month, year! Chimi out~

Song above- be somebody by Thousand foot krutch

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