Stuck in a Closet With a Serial Killer On the Loose (16)

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"Gabriel, that's just a coincidence."

"No it's not. All of those people you mentioned, I've met them at least once and I heard from other people that they liked me. Am I just bad luck?" I shake my head.

"No Gabriel. You aren't bad luck. Maybe it's just a copy cat killer or just a really crappy vigilante." He runs his hands through his hair.

"Yeah, maybe..." He got up. "I'll be back later, Sam just get whatever I missed please."

"Where are you going?"

"To clear my head." He threw over his shoulder and left. I sighed and looked back over to Charlie.

"Do you think he's okay?"

"I don't know..."


I packed up my things and slung my book bag over my shoulder. "I wonder where he could have run off to... He's about to miss last period..." As I start walking to class, I feel someone pull me into a room. "W-"

"Calm down, it's just me." My eyes adjusted to the darkness of the cramped space and I saw Gabriel with a worried look on his face.

"Why are we in here? It's a little cramped." He laughed sheepishly.

"Yeah well, I didn't account for you as well, anyway. I want you to be careful from now on. I'm not sure why, but I have a feeling that this murderer is going to go after you next. Please, just be careful..."

"You couldn't tell me this when we got home?"

"I'm afraid that they might be following me. I know, I sound paranoid, but I don't want you to get hurt anymore." I blushed a bit, but luckily he couldn't see. "Come on, we've got class." He tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. "Damn it..."

"Where are we again?"

"An old broom closet I found." I sighed and pushed him back against the wall.

"Gabriel, they stopped using this one because it got jammed a lot. I could try to kick it down, but I obviously don't have any leg room." I reasoned while shifting my legs a bit. I felt him jump. "You okay? Did I accidentally step on your foot?"

"N-No. You're good." I tilt my head in confusion. He never stutters.

"No, what did I do?"

"I'm fine Sam." I squinted, but I still couldn't see his face clearly in the dark. Gabriel reached for his phone and tried to turn it on. "It's dead... Do you have yours?"

"Left it in the library to charge, also I forgot it was there..." Gabriel just hummed.

"I guess we're stuck here until we figure out how to open the door."

"That's not going to happen unless I have a light. It's pitch black in here. Why did you come here?"

"The darkness helps me think." We were quiet and it seemed like the whole school was too. I felt Gabriel put his head on my chest and soft snores came from him.

"Did you even sleep last night?" I whisper quietly.

It wasn't until the bell rang for the end of the day that he woke up. He patted my chest and muttered something. "Mhm... Nice bed..."

"I'm not sure if I'm a bed." His eyes shot open and he backed up.


"Don't be. Did you even go to bed last night?" It took him a bit to answer.



"Sorry! I was worried about you and Charlie." I sighed and he shifted a bit. "How long do you think we're going to be here?"

"However long it takes for someone to get here. The last guy who got stuck in here was in here for almost a whole day before staff noticed he was gone." I shrugged. "Dean will notice in a heartbeat and drive here like a fucking maniac."

"At least we won't be stuck here for a whole day." I hum and then we were quiet.

"So... Who's that person you like? You know, the one you had the dream about?" My face turn completely red and I'm reluctant to answer.

"N-Nobody. It was j-just a dream."

"It was just a dream my ass. You were basically not even here when you talked about it. You know what, you don't even have to tell me who it is. What are they like?" I pick at my nail beds, trying to not say something I'll regret.

"W-Well... They're funny, nice, and they genuinely care about me. I want to be with them, but I'm not even sure if they think of me in that way. I think they just think of me as a friend and nothing more."

"Why won't you just tell them?"

"It might ruin our friendship..." He chuckled.

"Well, I'd say fuck it and go for it. You need someone to love you anyway Sammy. I'm not sure if you'd want little old me hanging around."

"No. I want you to stay."

"Are you sure? Because if they-" That's when I took his advise. I grab his jacket and the back of his neck and kiss him roughly. He seemed stunned for a moment before grabbing the hand that was holding his jacket. I pulled away, blushing madly.

"I want you to stay because I love you." It was quiet and I let go of him quickly. I felt tears prick my eyes and I stammered to explain myself. "S-Sorry I should have told you before I did anything. I understand if you can't stand me anymore. Its-" He grabbed my face and pulled me down to meet his eyes.

"Shut up Sam." He kissed me back, but much softer than I did. He pulled away slowly and I could tell he was smiling softly. "You don't ever have to explain yourself to me." I blushed even more and he kissed me again.

It quickly went from just kissing to a full blown make out session and I wouldn't complain one bit. He was keeping it very, well, mostly PG, obviously still worried about how I might react. It seemed like forever until we stopped, both panting and faces flushed. It had gotten a lot hotter than it was five minutes ago.

"We need to get it out of here."

"Yeah I think we established that already."

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock." Gabriel ruffled my hair playfully. I tried to turn to the door, but Gabriel took in a sharp breath.

"What?" He cleared his throat.

"I-Its nothing. Your knee has been just rubbing up against my crotch for some time now." My face burns red and I stammer, trying to get an apology out.

"I-I'm sorry." He shook his head.

"It's okay, you didn't know." I back my legs up a bit.

"I'm going to try and see if I can kick the door open."

"Okay." We both moved so we were facing the door, but I was at an angle because my shoulders are too wide. "Ready?"

"Yeah." I raise my foot to the door and tap on it a couple of times, measuring the distance before completely Spartan kicking it open. I stumble out, the cool air hitting me like a huge storm and my eyes hurt from the florescent lighting. It took Gabriel a bit before he came out and he closed the door behind himself. "Ready to go home now?" I nodded and we left to his car.

We were mostly quiet during the ride. "So what does this make us?" He barely looked away from the road.


"What happened earlier." He bit his lip and my heart fluttered a bit. He glanced over at me, his hair blowing in the wind from the slightly open window.

"Boyfriends, if, that's what you want." I smile.

"Of course that's what I want." He smiled.

"Good, because I want the same thing."

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