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"Will you be my girlfriend?"
I basically squealed at his question. "Of fucking course." I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck.
He smirked before wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me. I kissed back, shortly after pulling away and blushing.
"I love you, baby." Ciaran smiled.
"Erm, yeah, I love you too...." I awkwardly smiled. That should have been easier to say but it wasn't. Probably just because I'm still new to this shit.
"Did you and Matt do anything yesterday by the way? I won't be mad, I know you were both drunk and I'd understand it." Ciaran asked with a weak smile.
I rapidly shook my head. "We did absolutely nothing. We're just chill, no feelings involved. Or sex." I nervously smiled.


"HE'S MY BOYFRIEND!" I squealed over the phone too Merlyn.
"That's cool but don't do some dumb shit." He sounded serious.
"What do you mean?" My voice faded from excitement to concern.
"Remember he has feelings too. Don't mess with them with whatever you've got with Matt."
"What me and Matt did was a mistake. It would never happen again. I like Ciaran not Matt. It was just a mistake."
"I really hope it was a mistake because if Ciaran finds out he'll be heart broken."
"M, it was a mistake."
"If it was a mistake why are you sleeping over at his house now?"
"Because he's my mate. My parents are at my house with my brother at the moment and I just need peace."
"You remember that you can stay at your boyfriend's." with that he hung up.

LOLLIPOP | m.cOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora