Return of the Older Sister.

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"ZEKE. URIAH. FOUR.GET DOWN HERE." I yell. they come running down the stairs. I prepare my self for a hug. every since the last day of school, they established that everytime they see me they will hug me. Zeke and Uriah and Tobias unexpectedly hugs my waist.


"my babies" Tobias says and kisses my stomach I run my hands through his hair and smile.

"yes your bab- wait you know there is only one in there right." I say. he nods "yes I know."

"well why say babies if its one." he gives me a look. "ohhhhh. I knew that."I say. "now go get the paint and stuff out the car we have a room to paint." they all let go and Tobias stands up and kisses me and walks out the door to my car.

"Uhhh tris someone's outside looking for you." Christina says poking her head in her front door. I slowly walk to out the door.



I run to her"LILLLLLYYY" I jump on her wrapping my legs around her and hug her.

"You came back."I say still on her now crying. I jump down. she stayed in New York when we moved. she's 22 now.

"Now what kind of sister would I be if I never visit after mom and dad?"

"I thought you would never come actually."I say then hug her again. I turn to my friends who all look confused.

"Lilly these are my friends and boyfriend, Christina,Zeke and Uriah. And that one is my boyfriend, Four. "I say pointing to them. "Guys this is my sister Lillian. Lillian leans over and whispers in my ear.

"How old is he and why a number as a name?"

I whisper back still looking at Zeke Uriah Christina and Tobias.

"Just turned nineteen. And it's a nickname. " I whisper

"And he's not too old for you?" I raise a brow and cross my arms and look at her.

"No he's not. And please tell me you didn't come here just to parent me. I don't need parenting." I say,"plus I'm turning 18 in January.

" Tris we are going in to take this up stairs." Christina says.

" I'm coming too. Come on Lillian there's other people to meet." She nods and follows me. I stop at my car to get the paint brushes and stuff and go inside. Lyndsay comes down stairs.

"Tris. So I called your OBGYN and he said you can come in Friday since you are 4months on that day." She says.

"Thank you for calling and what time?"


"Kay." Lindsay's face lights up when she sees Tobias walk back in the house with paint.

"YAY PAINTINGG!" I laugh at her and turn to my sister. She has her arms crossed and she looks annoyed.


"You're pregnant?"I look at her confused."OBGYN Tris." I make an oh faces and nervously laugh.




"How far?"

"3 months now Friday 4months." I say. "You wannna come to the appointment with me?" She smiles

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asks with hurt in her voice.

"Well I was scared you would be mad." I say.

"I'm not mad. I am that you didn't tell me." I nod.

"Can we talk about this later. I wanna go paint my room. You should help" she smiles and agrees. We walk up stairs to mine and Tobias's new room where I see Tobias opening the paint the girls are placing stuff on the floor so we don't get any paint on the floor. And Zeke and Uriah are well being Zeke and Uriah. I introduce my sister to the rest of the group.

"Soo I already know about Four. So what about the rest of you." Lillian says. Shauna speaks up.

"Lauren Zeke and I along with Four graduated." She says, "I'm 18, Zeke is 19, Lauren is also 19." Shauna says.

"I'm Four's little sister" Lyndsay says. Lillian nods. I squat to straighten the plastic thing on the floor. And Tobias pours paint in the paint pan thingy. I don't let anyone start till I put tape on the edges buy the floor so they don't get red paint on it. When I'm done I let them paint. I get a mask and throw my hair in a bun. The smell of the paint is nauseating and start painting as well.

"Do you know what your having?" Lillian asks. I look at her for a second then back to the wall.

"No but I will know Friday. Maybe."

"Ahh." She says, "where's Caleb?"

"He moved out. Can we please talk about something else." I say. I know she was going to ask why and the reason he left is because the house reminded him of mom and dad. She nods. "How was your summer. "

"Good aside the morning sickness. "I say. "AHHHHH YOU GUYSSSSSSSS! WE CAN LEAVE FRIDAY AFTER MY APPOINTMENT." I say suddenly happy.

"Tris no. No screaming. And that was a sudden mood swing. I thought you were done with those." Tobias says. I just shrug and continue painting.

"Yes we can leave after your appointment." Tobias says with a smile. I smile bigger and hug him.

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