Mackenzie's Appointment.

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Today  Tobias and I aren't going to school. We are taking Kenzie to her 5 month check up.  it's going to be a pain if she has to get shots.  She may be only 5 months, but she can put on a fight.

"be a good girl and I will get you ice cream." Tobias says to Mackenzie who is just smiling at him.  "but you can't tell momma." he taps her nose and her eyes go wide. She then looks up at Tobias with a straight face. 

"I heard that and you're not giving her ice cream." I say pointing at him.

"fine" he sighs and picks up Kenzie and goes down stairs.  I Dinah getting  dressed only  to find everyone frantically running around looking for things I guess. Mackenzie  is sitting in her little ball pit with a ball in her mouth watching them. I shrug and make my way to the kitchen to get me food and Kenzie  some as well.  I sit in the ball pit with her and feed her. When I'm done with her I eat and we continue watching them.


  Tobias  and I are sitting in the waiting room of the doctors office.  Mackenzie is in my lap pulling on my hair making baby noises. She looks over to Tobias and reaches for him.  He grabs her and stands her up on his legs. She reaches her head and grabs his face and laughs. I laugh along with her then her name is called. We get up ant follow the nurse to a room. 


"she's looks all good. Unfortunately she needs shots." the door frowns. I look at Tobias and hand Kenzie to him.

"your turn." I say. He raises an eyebrow I shrug and the nurse comes in with the things to give  Kenzie her shots. She looks at the nurse and the doctor and starts crying. The doctor comes closer and Kenzie starts moving around.  Tobias grabs hold of her little hands carefully not to hurt her keeps her from moving. The doctor gives her the  first shot then gives her another one in the thigh.  Mackenzie's face is red with tears running down her face.  She reaches for me and I take her from Tobias.  She snuggles in my arms and calms down a little.

"massage the place where the shots were given.  It may hurt her for a few days but it's normal." the doctor smiles.  I nod and smile back  then we  leave. 

      On the ride home  Mackenzie went to sleep.

"we should get her some dum-dums" Tobias  says still looking at the road.

"and some Oreos." I say.

"you'll let her have that but not ice cream."

"yup" I nod and look in the back seat where Mackenzie is still sleeping. Then look at Tobias.  "Let go to Walmart and stock our mini fridge." I say. He glances at me then looks back at the road. 

"that mini fridge is for Mack's bottles."

"we can get another one." I say.  "pleasesssss. " I beg. Tobias gives in and we go to Walmart.


"Trisss this is a lot of stuff can we go now?" Tobias whines. I shake my head no.  We've only been here for five minutes and he's already complaining and all we have is the fridge. 

"Tobias. Babe. Stop acting like a baby.  You have one and all we have is the fridge." I say. He crosses his arms  and pouts. Mackenzie woke up two minutes ago. I hand her to Tobias and his face lights up. 

"ffs." I say

"FFS?" he questions

"nothing." I say and push the buggie  around in the food section.  I get some lunchables because I love them and somethings for Kenzie and Tobias as well.  We get Oreo's and dum-dums and other things  we want and pay and leave.  After putting everything thing I'm the car we go home. 

       Once we get home we see that no one  is home so we take Kenzie inside and rush to get everything in our room before the group gets home. Once I'm done I get a shower and give Kenzie a bath as well and lay in bed  and watch TV with her and wait for Tobias to come out of the bathroom. When he comes out he climbs into bed with us and we watch TV until we fall asleep.

Sorry  for taking so long.  I know this is a stupid chapter. But hey its all I can think of right now and I wanted to give you something. FEW MORE CHAPTERS AND ITS GRADUATION  TIMEE FOR TRIS AND THE GROUP.  then a little something  something  for ya, but until next time

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