Completed Album.

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"She was adorable when she was pregnant and sleeping. "


"But look at Mackenzie. Now thays an adorable sight."

"Why do we do this when shes the last to wake up?"

" I don't know."

"Should we wake her up? "

"Do you want to die?" I open one of my eyes looking at all of them. "No." I nod my head and close my eye back going back to sleep only to be picked up from the bed.

"Put me downnn" I whine.

"Nope." Tobias says. "get dressed Michael wants to talk to you about your album. "

"fi-- wait you answered my phone?"

"It rung a couple times. Tris, my friend, you sleep like a dead person." Mason says.

"That's where Mackenzie gets it frommm" Uriah says draging out the m. I roll my eyes and go to the bathroom and pee, shower and the other things I usally do on here. With every one still in my room I put on a mint green sweater, black and white tribal type leggings and black ugg boots and put my hair in a messy bun.

"There. happy?" Christina and Tobias smile and nod. Mackenzie then wakes up. Instead of crying she's smiling.

"Holy fucking shit that adorable." Lauren says. I look at Mackenzie and smile at her and she just smiles bigger and giggles.

"ITS CUTENESS OVERLOAD." Uriah shouts and runs away. I pick her up and get her ready for the day again with everyone but Uriah in the room. When om dons I feed her and grab our bags and go downstairs.

"Since you helped wake me up.... Today you are Mackenzie and kiss free for the day." I say

"Not fair he gets off easy for waking you up and I get attacked that's cruel and unusual punishment. " Uriah says and pouts.

"Don't blow air horns in people who hates being woken ears. " I say and walk out the door and head to the studio.


I make it to the studio and the first person I see would be Taylor. Got dammit.

"Eww. What are you doing here?" she says.

"I could ask you the same." I replied.

"Who's the baby?"


"Whore." im not even going to mad. I know im not a whore so why get mad.

"Thank you." I say and walk away and go in to the building.

Mike told me to meet him in the recording studio with my song book so we can choose what songs to put on the album we end up choosing:

My Everything

Be My Baby

With Ur love

I Wish (also with Tobias)

Pulses (with Tobias)

I Told You So

I Want You Back

I Really Don't Care

(wait until the end to find out who songs are who.) We also decided to just name it after me. The next one will be different. Mike also told me that i will be doing a song with the band Lyndsay loves oh so much. I have to talk to Tyler about that. Right now im at MacDonalds getting some food then going home. I dont know if i want to go yet or not. So me and Mackenzie go shopping since Christina hasn't made me yet. I go in to this baby store and get Kenzie some new clothes then go to other store to get me some clothes. While in one of the stores Tobias decides to call me.



Tris where are you?



Im on speaker aren't I.


Well im not shopping anymore. Im on my way home.


I hang up and go back to the car and go home.


"Ohhhh this is cutee. " Christina says going through my shopping bags.

"I knew you would say that so it yours." I say. She squeals take the outfit and run out the room. I get off my bed and put everything away and go into Kenzie's room to do the same then head down stairs to find everyone in the entertainment room playing a game of some sort and Mackenzie in her swing fascinated by her toes. I take a picture and set it as my messaging background. Just then Tyler text me.




So we are going to New Orleans and wanted to know if you and your little family of yours wanted to come with us.😌

Sure I'll talk to Four and see what he says. And I'll let you know. 😏

Okay. Talk to you later. 😊

I lock my phone and tap on Tobias's should her and pull him to the other room and tall him about going to new orleans.

"What about school Tris you've already missed alot after you had Mackenzie." He says. " You are probably on the verge of failing."

"No im not. I've done my work at home and turned it all in before we moved. and im pretty sure I can do the same at the school I go to now. come on Tobias lets go to New Orleans. We can do something for our anniversary there." I say, saying the last part while running a finger up and down his chest. He groans and agrees.

"Only beacuse we are doing something for our anniversary." he says. I smile and kiss him and text Tyler.



The songs belong to Cher Lloyd, Karmin, Ariana Grande and Demi Lovato.

I GAVE YOU A UPDATE. WOOT WOOT. Im not doing that again but anywho.





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