The Plane Ride

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Oh my god. I was so tottaly screwed. I had never really let my anger get a hold of me like that. Our school was so strict about bullying, especially the physical stuff.

"Shit Shit shit...!" I whisper yelled. One of the guys, (I was too scared and horrified out of my mind to remember his name really) walked past me and quietly said, "Bad luck Tracie."

What? did he actually kind of care about me?! I turned around and watched him catch up to his friends, no i was probobly just imagining things again. This happened a lot. Since i wasn't really pretty or outgoing, guys glanced at me, but that was it. I had had a few boyfriends, if Clayton really even counts, but they had never really lived up to my fantasy of true love... I know stupid right?

I sighed mentally and turned around to go to the principals office, no doubt my mom would already be there... oh god and Bill too?! He never understood me, even though he sort of tried. Its just... well... i dont know how to explain it, but he acts like he's my dad. But i will never think of him like that. My dad wasn't dead and he loved me, even though he was selfish and a little mean sometimes, he was my dad and i did my best to love him even though he annoyed me a lot sometimes. We used to get in fights all the time, and i would cry to go back with my mom. I really regret losing that time with him.

When i reached Mr. Franks office I glanced in and immediatly turned on the "Im so sorry i really dont know what happened please dont punish me" look. But when i walked in and Biil looked at me with disgust, that look was gone and i stared open mouthed at him. "Traci Lana Jane!" He roared and stood up. "How dare you hurt Clayton physically!" He really liked clayton apparantly, dad stealing traitor....

"Dont talk to me about something you know nothing about Bill." I said in a strained voice. "You dont care about me and you dont know what he and his friends do to me every day!" I whispered. My mother looked unconcerned.

"Sit down Traci." She said, Bill sat down as well.

"So," Mr. Frank began, "I know this may seem rash, but this school takes violence very seriously, im afraid Traci is being expelled." He paused to let his words dig deep into my heart, i didnt like this school, but i was so shy that the thought of starting over new, and without anyone i actually knew was terrifying. "But i am happy to say that i know of a school that would be happy to have a new student." He said. " It is called Nightlock. It is a pricate school and the education is exceptional!" He smiled as if he wished his students would be smart like the students at Nightlock. Its located in Washington." Was he serious? We lived in Montana! That means we would have to move?!!! what the fuck?!

"That much too far Mr. Frank..." My mother put in

"Oh dont worry!" Mr. Frank said with a wave of his hand. "They have dorms, so Traci will live there and visit on holidays and in the summer." Bills face brightened. Fucker...

"Thats perfect!" he said and my mother stared blankly at the wall.

"Well i guess that will work, it would be good for Traci to see more of the country and learn to live away from home."

"Mom!" I exclaimed.

"Be quiete Traci," Bill again... "We've already made the decision, Were going to wrap up the details here with Mr. Frank. Go ahead and walk home and get your bags packed.

"I hate you." I said. I promised myself it was the last word i was every going to say to him.

When i finally got home i threw my bag on the floor and blasted "Drop the World by Lil' Wayne" on my ipod and threw all of my things into a suitcase. I was not an ordinary person. I considerd calling my "Best friend" Monica while i layed on my bed waiting for my mom to get home with Bill, but quickly dismissed it. I didnt want to hear any more lies from her. Maybe i could call Sydney.... that thought was out of my head so fast, Sydney was really nice, but we werent like best friends.

What happens when your in love with the person who broke you?On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara