The First Day

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Oh thank god at least it was morning. I didn't get ANY sleep last night. Why? Cause Stupid(Daniel) down there wouldnt stop snoring all fricken' night! After He'd demanded that he get the bottom bunk and id finally consented and climbed onto the top he'd fallen asleep immediatly and started snoring. He snored so loud! So now i have huge fricken' bags under my eyes cause i got like 5 hours of sleep thanks to him.

Whatever, this stupid Nightlock school was making us start classes today, not even one day of rest!!!

I sighed and climbed down from the bed only to be smacked by Daniel so that i squeeked and jumped off, landing on my butt. He burst out into snickers.

"What the fuck man?" I said blushing and laughing despite myself as i got up and stormed to the bathroom. I always had to laugh, even when i was super pissed at someone it was always really hard not to smile.

Once i was in there, i took a shower, straightened my hair, put on some light jeans that had awesome holes in them, and a low-cut purple acid burn shirt with a white tank top underneath. I looked alright. Oh ya, i also poured on the make up to try to make my eyes look bigger and my pimples dissapear.

Sighing i walked out of the bathroom and Daniel pushed me out of the way as he rushed in.

'For the fucking second time today, WHAT THE FUCK MAN!" I yelled as i pounded on the door, I laughed as i walked away, rubbing my arm a little from where i'd fallen into the wall. Apparantly Daniel really needed to go or something.

I smirked a little, me and my dirty little mind... I grabbed my schedule and glanced over my classes.

Art, Geometry, History, Science, Lunch, Computers, English, and Culinary Arts. Doesn't seem too bad...

I grabbed my backpack and walked out the door. I had Art with Mr. Willkinson (Will) first period in his art room. WHERE THE FUCK IS HIS ART ROOM!

A girl walked by, and i hesitantly called out. "Excuse me... Can you tell me where Mr. Wilkinson's art room is?" She was really skinny and i immediatly felt bloated and pudgy. She smirked a little before saying in a whiny voice, " 1st floor room 23" then she walked away.

I murmered a thanks and made my way over to the elevator before getting in and going to the first floor. I walked to room 23, but i was 15 minutes early, so i just sat outside the closed door in the hall feeling awkward and lost.

Daniel came around the corner and saw me, he frowned. "You are so totally following me Traci" He said before sitting across from me. "You have art too?" I asked and he nodded. What the fuck was up with this, we seemed to be in everything together. I looked up into his dark blue eyes that were partially obscured by his black hair. I looked away and flicked my bangs in my face a little to hide a pimple that was redder than the others. I wish i was pretty. Sometimes i want it so bad it hurts.

I sighed in my mind, I really just needed to accept who i was.

I glanced back at Daniel and he was staring at me, like right at me. "What are you looking at?"

He blinked and then smirked, he seemed to like smirking a lot. "You really should buty some face wash stuff..." he said and turned his head away trying not to laugh.

I smiled despite how horrible i felt, I didnt think my pimples were that noticable, this was a good day too! Well so i though, but...

Just then a tall man with a white santa beard and fuzzy short hairs on his head walks around the corner. "Good morning!' He says. "I'm Mr. Wilkinson, your new art teacher.' He says happily and then opens the door and leads us in. I sit down and Daniel sits across from me on the long table. "You're the one following me." I mumble. Then 20 other kids come into the class room, all of the girls were skinny, tall, and really pretty and some of the guys were really hot, but they at least were all fit. I looked away.

Now I felt really really really really overweight.

Mr. Wilkinson started class. We were to draw a rainforest with birds, frogs, leaves and what not. He said "Think big!" I glanced over at Daniel's and his was really great. I had thought mine was alright until I saw his. Mine was horrible now.

Once that horrible class was over, I went to my other classes, I had all the same classes with Daniel, it was like Nightlock wanted us to be together cause we were both new. Well fuck the principal, I didn't like Daniel, he was too emo-un-emoish for me.

I walked towards my room really fast, I just wanted to lie in my bed and cry.

I made it to my room and threw my backpack in the corner, one great thing about this school was no homework, oh and i got to skip a grade, so I was a freshman now, great... Mr. Frank forgot to tell me that, yeah right, he probobly though that it would have made my parents say no. It probobly would have made them in reality say "Hell YES!"

I laughed bitterly and climbed up onto the top bunk, burrying my face in the unfamiliar pillow and letting out a silent sob that racked my body. I reached into my pocket and grabbed my ipod, I listened to Almost Lover by a Fine Frenzy. This song always made me really sad, and i felt like i needed a good long cry before Daniel got back.

Finally a tear slipped out and then another and pretty soon i was sitting up in bed with tears falling down my face quickly. They landed in my lap. I had my hands over my face and my hair had fallen forward.

Oh god, my life was so perfect when i was dating Clayton. We were in love, I had friends, but then I had to go mess things up when i went for another guy... Stop it! I was yelling at myself in my mind, dont think about him or anyone from your old school, they are gone, history, and you are the present and the future, here, at nightlock.

"Traci?" I heard Daniels voice and I pulled my hands back from my face to see his surprised face looking up at me from the door, it was still open, he had been walking in when he saw me.

"Shut the damn door!" I screached and leaped down from the top bunk where i stumbled towards the door, pushed him away and slammed the door. I whipped around to face him my eyes red rimmed and my hair whirling.

"Whats wrong Traci?" He asked, i couldn't define his emotion.

"Like you give a fuck! You dont know me! You dont even care!' I stopped to draw in a long shaking breath as my body was racked with sobs and tremors again. I stood taller and my hands curled into fists. I was going to take out all my anger, frustration, and sadness on Daniel, because, well because.... Because he was here!

He looked at me wide eyed. "Where did all this come from?" he asked, raising one eyebrow.

"Whats this?" I said waving my hands around. 'Your going to have to be more specific if you want an answer." I was almost yelling, well speaking loudly.... fuck it i was totally yelling at him.

'Why are you so upset all of a sudden." He said, he had control, he wasnt yelling.

"I've always been upset, whether i was pissed, or broken, im always upset. At you, At him, At everyone, at the whole fucking world Daniel!"

"Dont take this out on me Traci, you dont know me either."

"Fuck off Daniel, My life is hell and you have no fucking right to judge me about anything!" I stormed past him and flung the bathroom door open yelling behing my back, "Bastard!" Before slamming it shut and laying on the ground, the tears falling down my face furiously now as i shook with no longer silent sobs, I wasnt sure if he could hear me. But I didn't care. Why should I?

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