A Blind Date

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- 3 days later-

Alright, the best part about this school is definetly... 4 DAY SCHOOL WEEKS! How totally awesome is that! We have three day weekends now, so I can totally sleep in, and chow down on some serious snack foods, and listen to music, and hang out with Danny!

Oh Danny... Ever since that night we have been so close. I told him everything that had happened to me at my old school, and I didn't fudge anything, total truth. And he told me about him.

He was abused. That was a real shocker for me, cause he seemed so normal and happy. He said the Emo look was a cover. He did it because he thought if people started suspecting things at his home, (he even went as far as to make fake cuts on his wrists with rulers) then maybe he would be sent away from his mom. He didnt talk about her much, he always got chocked up, or would have to blink away tears. I didnt understand much besides that she had a mental illness and abused him verbally a lot, making him take care of both of them.

I didn't ask for too much info.

And, I was over Clayton. Well... honestly, as much as I ever would be. I finally realized, that I am beautiful, in my own way. Alright, that sounded really fricking corny. But, the main point is, I will never forget him, but that doesnt mean i need to cry and feel sorry for myself because of him.

"Hey Traci!" Danny burst into the bathroom where I was straightening my hair and I jumped and burned my forehead.

"Fuck! Dude haven't I told you to not scare me like that!" I put the straightener down and put my hands on my hips, turning to him so he could see the huge smile on my face. I ran forward the few steps and hugged him. "So.... How was it?" I asked.

'Well... she wasnt the one." He mumbled into my hair and I stiffened and then hugged him tighter before pulling away and holding his shoulder. "Tell me what happened, believe me its helps." I smiled a little.

"Alright... But I get to do your hair." I laughed a little and stood in front of the mirror while he grabbed my straightener and began to do my hair. I know its kinda weird that hes a guy and hes doing my hair, but I like how he isnt afraid to say what he wants to do.

"Well, we met up at the cafeteria for lunch..." He started but I interupted.

"The cafeteria! Really?" I thought for a second . 'Well, There isn't really a place to go since they won't let us leave, so go on ignore me and my random rantings..."

"And it was alright, I mean, you know, Jane was nice. But, I didnt feel a connection with her. She wanted to go on another date, but I said I dont think it would work." He shrugged and put the straightener down, already done. My hair looked good. "Alright, makeup time." He smirked and I laughed out loud while I turned around.

'So, what are you looking for in a girl? I mean, I've set you up with 2 girls so far and you gotta have some kind of type."

"What's your type?"

"You know I dont have one."

"Well, then, do I have to have one if you dont?" He smirked a little.

"I guess not... But you really need to give me something to work with here Danny." I forwned. "You looking for looks or personaliy?"

"Just keep trying, im not answering any questions." He sounded reserved, which was odd. We were so open with each other. "Alright, im done." I opened my eyes and turned around to look in the mirror. I looked like I was going out to a really fancy restaurant. I had lots of eye liner on and mascara and gold eye shadow and dark red lipstick that was blended just right.

"Am I going somewhere?" I asked and turned around to pat him on the shoulder as I walked outside of teh bathroom to sit in the desk chair while he went over to my drawer. "Uh..."

What happens when your in love with the person who broke you?Where stories live. Discover now