The Bottle of Crown Royal

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It was like 3 in the morning now, and I so did not want to get off this floor. Yeah, im so pathetic, im still on the bathroom floor crying my eyes out. Well, now they just burn, im all out of tears. Im just shaking now. I dont cry easy, it takes a lot to make me cry, but once I start thats it, it takes forevor for me to stop.

What am I going to do about school? If I go ill be so tired it would be just as bad as missing.

AHA! I laughed a little and then sobbed. I'll just fake sick, he he he.

I got up off the floor and splashed my face with water, I looked horrible as i expected.

I sighed and opened the door, Daniel was still awake and I jumped a little. "What are you doing awake?" I asked, going over and climbing up into my bed on the top bunk.

"Your sobbing was too loud and I couldnt sleep so I decided to stay awake and wait for you to get out. I figure since its so late we might as well ditch together tomorrow. It was total bullshit of this school to make us go to class our first real day here." He frowned.

"Whatever." I mumbled.

He jumped up, his blue eyes were shining and I noticed he had changed to basketball shorts and his eyeliner was off, he looked like a normal cute excited guy. "Lets pull an all nighter! I can go get some liquor, I think i still have some in my suitcase...." His sentence faded as he thought.

I bit my lip, I had never gotten drunk before and I wasnt sure I wanted to, my old school had given us a lot of drug and alcohol classes so i knew how many brain cells it killed when you got drunk. I looked up at Daniel and he looked so cute and happy, like he was begging me.

"Fine, just a little liquor for me though..." I said and slipped off the bunk bed and sat in the desk chair.

Oh god help me

He ran over to his suitcase and got out a bottle of Crown Royal, shaking it above his head and grinning like a mad man. He opened it and took a big swig, closing it and tossing it to me.

"YEAHAAA!!!" He yelled and his eyes seemed to shine even brighter. I took a big swig and almost spit it out, this was so nasty! Who would want to drink this!

But, I sucked it up and swallowed it, and another... the taste kinda grew on you...

So for the next 30 minutes we passed the bottle back and forth rocking out to City by Holywood Undead. We were wasted.

I finally sat back in the desk chair and he collapes on his bed, but he drew himself up. "So lets talk." He slurred and I nodded, my head swinging. "What was up with that tissy fit you threw earlier?" He asked and since I was drunk I gushed my feelings out to him. My voice was still slurring though...

"Its not your fault man! Its my fucking ex, Clayton! His and his gang, the STUPIDS!" I took a breath and stood up swaying on my feet so I could flail my hands around and stomp my feet to show my anger. "Ever since we dated in 7th fucking grade, and well I broke up with him in 8th grade for another guy..." I organized my thoughts... "HE WONT LEAVE ME ALONE! Everyday its, "your such a fat bitch traci" or he'll try to fool me again, "I love you traci... BITCH" Its all so stupid and I cant help but laugh and "I was blubbering now, " Then every once in a while it all catches up with me cause even though hes such a dick to me I still love him!" I stopped and fell on the floor a few tears slipped out of my eyes and I wiped them away angrilly. "I dont give a shit about his ass, or anyone's ass anymore though, im my own person and there is absolutly no fucking way im going back to him now!"

Daniel was just looking at me, 'Well say something!" He jumped a little bit and fell off the bed dragging himself to a sitting position on the floor next to me. "He's really that much of a dick?" He asked. I turned to him, "Hell yeah!" I said

He thought for a second, "From a guys positions, I bet you 100 bucks he really likes you, what happened with the other guy?"

'Well he started being a jerk first, i mean, in agriculture he threw a paint brush at me! But well then I broke up with him for this other guy who I liked, and we dated for a month until Clayton told me he liked me again and so I broke up with the guy and spent the rest of the fucking year trying to get back with him. But it always seemed like he didn't want anything to do with me in person, only on Gmail. We talked like very night, but I always had to bring up "us"." I stopped, I was rambling and even drunk i felt embaressed.

HOLY SHIT, it was almost 4 in the morning! I got unsteadilly to my feet, and Daniel followed. "I gotta get some rest Daniel." I said and brushed off his arm on my shoulder.

"Stop calling me that."

I looked at him confused, "Dont call you your own name?"

"Call me Danny" He shrugged, "Daniel is too long."

"Alright" I shrugged and started towards the bunk bed again but he grabbed my shoulder, turning me back to face him he said, "One more thing tonight Traci please?"

"Fine.' I said and he smiled and reached into his pocket. He started pressing numbers into his phone, then he pressed the send buttonand put it on speaker. "You need more confidence." He smiled and for once the thought of talking to Clayton on the phone seemed fun and like totally deserved payback.

"Hello?" I heard clayton say.

"Hi clayton!" I said excitedly, but my voice was still slurred.

"Traci? Are you drunk?" He asked, awake now.

"I'm totally wasted. And you know what, its great!"

"What do you want?"

"I just wanted to tell you that we are so done."

"Uh... dont know where you've been the last few months, but we've been over for a long time Traci. God, even drunk and over the phone I can still tell your a fat bitch... This isn't gonna make me want you back..."

"Shut. Your. Fucking. Mouth." I hissed into the phone. " I am not fat, im not a bitch, and I know were over. Im done playing petty games with you Clayton, I know you still love, me, but you know what? You are a dick."

He laughed a little into the phone. "What have you been smoking?"

"Bye Clayton, if you ever want to apologize, I wont be waiting!" I shut the phone and looked at Daniel who was smiling hugely.

"Total Dickhead."He said and leaned forward and hugged me, just a friendly hug.

And that was the start of our friendship. And the first time i've ever been drunk. And the first time I had ever stood up for myself.

It felt... Nice...

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