The Plan

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I walked back into my room and shut the door behind me normally. I wasn't angry anymore. Maybe all that shit that people said about Journaling helping you was true... weird. I glanced over at the clock first thing. It was 8 in the morning. God it was still so early for me on a Saturday.

I looked around for Clayton and Danny then but they weren't there. One of them must be in the shower or something. I went over to the desk and put my ipod in the dock and started playing "Paradise Lost" by Hollywood Undead. I was playing the music at a reasonable volume.

Suddenly the door to the bathroom opened and I squeeked and jumped a little. Clayton was standing there with a towel wrapped around his waist, and god he looked so CUTE!!! He definetly wasn't all muscle, but he definetly worked out a lot to try to fit in with the other guys, he was puny I guess you could say. He smiled and blushed a little, doing that thing where he sticks his head out that I loved SO MUCH. God I hate/love him so much. I turned away back towards my ipod and randomly played with it while I waited for my blush to go away.

I broke the silence, "Where did Danny go?"

"How should I know?"

"Do you always have to be a fucking jerk to me?" I asked turning around and facing him. Oh god BAD IDEA!!! He only had his boxers on. They were black boxers with red polka dots on them.

I burst out laughing. "Dude, put on some fucking pants!" I tried to say while I was laughing.

"Shut up!" He said, but I could tell he was only embaressed. Haha, good.

I changed the song to "Your Guarding Angel' by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus.

"This song sucks so much." I heard him mumble and I smiled and turned the volume up a little.

"You got pants on now?" I asked.


I turned around and faced him. He had on a pair of his normal dark pants sith huge pockets on the side, his shirt was dark blue with a black scary tree on it and a guy skating doing some cool trick things in the air next to it. Wow, did I really just like "analyze" his shirt?!

I coughed and turned aorund a little.

Wasn't I supposed to be mad at this dude!? Well whatever, he was leaving tomorrow, so maybe I could show him around, spend some time with him, annoy him (I smiled), bother him, flirt with him...

I started coughing and sputtering when I thought of that and I started blushing a WHOLE lot.

"Come on." I said and stood up, walking out the door, to the elevator and finally outside. I did glance back behind me when I first started walking and was almost scared out of my mind when I noticed him walking right beside me.

When we were outside I tried to start up conversation. "So, how was Montana before you left?" I asked

"The same."

I sighed and just kept walking.

I didn't know where we were going, but it was nice out and normally I spent all my time inside.


I turned around and saw Danny running, he had put on his whole goth/emo look thing with the eyeliner black skinny jeans and a dark blue shirt and his hair was jelled. Wow, what was with them both wearing dark blue shirts??? That was like, my fav color...

"Hi." I said when he caught up to us. He stood on the other side of me.

"Where we going?" He asked a little breathless.

"I don't know, I just wanted to get out."

"Why don't we sneak out?" Clayton said and I turned to him.

'I don't want detention dude! This school is so high-tech I bet even you can't get out."

He smiled a little. "Deal..."

My smile wavered. "Deal what?"

Danny burst out laughing. "Meet you in the forest guys, im gonna go grab my cash for some shopping at the mall!" He ran off.

"What the fuck!" I said and turned to Clayton. "What the fuck!' I said again.

He smiled. "I bet you I can sneak out, without getting caugh." He thought, " Wait, scratch that, I bet you I can sneak both of you out without getting caught."

I laughed. "Deal stupid."

"Which was is the forest?"

"Follow me." I said and almost by habit I went to grab his hand, but my hand only brushed his before I snatched it back and put it firmly in my pocket.

He didn't say anything and neither did I.

I started walking to the forest and when we got there I sat on the bench, right in the middle, so he would have to practically sit on me if he wanted to sit on the bench. He leaned against the tree near the bench.

After a few minutes he broke the silence this time, "God, how long does it take your fucking boyfriend to get his cash Traci?!"

I blushed a little. "He's not my boyfriend stupid!"

"Don't lie to me, your a horrible liar."

"I'm not lieing, and you don't know me."

"I know you so well Traci! I know right now your missing Austin!." He had crouched down in front of me and was smiling hugely.

"Shutup, and no im not! Are you always gonna bring that up! Cause if I remember right, and I always do, when I told you I liked Austin you got JEALOUS!"

"No, I wasn't jealous, I was giving you an easy out."

"easy out?"

"Ya, remember I told you that you should break up with me if you really liked him and ask him out. I was trying to save you the pain of when I broke up with you."

My smile faded. "You are suck a fucking lier Clayton!" I said and stood up. He flinched and stood up glaring down on me. "I broke up with you! Don't try to change things around!" I smirked. "Remember in 6th grade when I gave you bruises?" I asked and he had no time to move before I kicked him in teh shin as hard as I could. He started bouncing around holding his leg. "What the hell, Traci!" He exclaimed as I sat onthe bench laughing my ass off.

Just then Danny came aorund the corner of the path, he stopped stunned.

"What did I miss?"

"We were just working some stuff out, come on." I said and grabbed Danny's hand, leading him away toward the fence where we would sneak out.

Maybe this would be fun...

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