Chapter 1.50: "Let's get married tomorrow."

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A headache ground into my temples when I tried to open my eyes. I rested my head in the palm of my hands rubbing my forehead to ease the pain. I freed a deep sigh. Woah, what is happening to me? I shake my head and groaned, my right hand fell on the soft comforter that is covering my body. My hand wandered feeling the soft cotton brushing against my skin. Okay... what?! I sniffed recognizing the familiar scent of my pillow covers. Why am I on my bed?! I slept in his car and end up in my room, what kind of sorcery is happening here?!

I don't have the urge to open my eyes yet. I'm still afraid that the pain of my head will start to creep again. I tried to move my arms and my legs and I flinched when I felt someone on the edge of my bed, "Goodmorning Princess." He greeted.

I kicked him when I recognized his voice. "Yah, what happened?" My voice cracked when I spoke.

"You got drunk last night. No, actually, you gone dead drunk noona," he said while pulling my hand gently to make me seat. I opened my eyes slightly and looked at him creasing my forehead while I'm pouting because I'm not having any idea of what he's saying.

"You're obviously not in your right mind last night. You punched hyung when he asked you to go home." Seonho said smirking to me when I'm already seated. I chuckled aloud knowing in a fact that he's lying. I pulled my floral scrunchie on my wrist and tied my hair into messy bun. That's impossible, I mean I slept in his car and I... shoot! What happened next? Ugh, think hard Park Sooyoung... I--

The memories of last night flashes quick in the back of my mind. I slowly hugged my knees and burried my face while cursing to myself, "Damn." I'm internally screaming! Suddenly, I want to go back to bed and sleep forever.


I woke up few minutes after I shut my eyes close during his driving. The thought of things I want to say after everything he told me that night but I cannot because of my lack of guts to talk to him keeps bothering me even I divert my attention outside the window. They are all piling one by one burdening my chest to breath normally, it suffocates me. Until, one moment I saw a huge night tent where they sell cold noodles and soju-- it's usually for overtime workers. Yes, alcohol is the answer to gain some courage. I thought, this can be a way.

I asked him to pull over the car and as soon as he did, I stepped out to order sundae with cold noodles and of course a bottle of soju.

"You want to talk about something over an alcohol, huh? How many bottles is your limit?" He get the purpose of this.

"Three." and I immediately grab the wine glass I filled to drink. I pour him some and he refused he can't because he'll drive then so, I ignored him. When I felt the alcohol is finally affecting my system, I spoke.

"I don't trust you." Then I slurp the cold noodles in front of me and I looked straight into his eyes. Now, I'm going to start a conversation.

"Then why did you agree." He smirked.

"Because you're annoying. You sound so convincing that makes me want to try this 'friend deal' I feel so conflicted but thinking that you and I will be stuck together for the rest of our lives, I thought that getting close to you is a must." And he just nodded as he get a sundae to eat.

"But I still can't get myself to trust you. I don't know, I just can't." I grab the soju bottle to fill mine and I drink it putting the wine glass abruptly above the table. "Two more bottles please." I shouted. I finished a bottle already.

"Hey, is this really necessary?" He asked me looking worried.


"I can handle." I raised my hand as a sign to tell him I really can.

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