Chapter 6.333: "Will he?"

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A loud ring from an alarm clock woke me up early in the morning and it's annoying me. I don't ever remember setting an alarm clock on a Sunday. I stretched my arm to grab a pillow trying hard to cover my ears and rolled like a buritto. "Please, 5 minutes Joanne."

"Princess, you'll be late in your class."

"I have no class to-" The unfamiliar voice from a woman is heard as the alarm goes off. It's not from Joanne.

I quickly got up to sit with my eyes wide open, "Good Morning Princess." Four gorgeous ladies greeted me with a deep bow. My eyes didn't leave them immediately and I let questions to blast inside my mind.

I burried my face in the palm of my hands while things slowly makes sense to me.

I rubbed my eyes before returning to them, "g-goodmorning." I mumbled with my morning voice. I don't even know if they heard it.

A deep sigh releases from my mouth and my eyes rolled mentally. Right, I'm a Princess.

I move my eyes around holding tight to my comforter. I woke up in my 'new room', Jungkook maybe carried me here when I fell asleep. I vividly remembered last night.

I finally decided to slip out of my covers and step out of my bed. I brushed my chaotic bed hair with my fingers when I stand awkwardly in front of them.

"Good Morning Princess. I'm Joohyun and I'll be your main stylist throught-out your first few years as a Princess. It's my honor to finally meet you." The petite-small-gorgeous-woman in front of me greeted. She's too pretty. Her slightly curled hair falls just above her elbows and it perfectly emphasizes her small face. "This is my assistant, she handles all the contacts to all the brands that the Royal family loves and she's very good with hairstyling." She continued referring to the girl on her right.

"I'm Seulgi, my Princess. It's my honor to work for you." She has mono-eyelids and chopped bangs. She bows deeply to me.

"I'm Seungwan. Your personal assistant. I'll be managing all your schedules." One girl greeted brightly and gave me the warment smile. She has a shoulder-lenght hair with side bangs. "It's really my honor to have a chance to work for you." She bows deeply and made her eyes bigger as she stands properly giving me the same smile she gave me a while ago. Her enthusiasm shows.

The girl next to her with a long blonde hair waved to me, "I'm Yerim. I'm incharge of you in over all. I'll most likely going to be your tail, I'll make sure of your comfortability and if you have any problems that needs to be solved, I'm the one who will find a solution for you. It's an hono-"

"Can you get me out of here?" I interrupted her introduction.

"I'm sorry?" She's asking me on what I said. They all look at me with the same questioning eyes.

I smirked, "I'm kidding." I said. "So what's up for today?"

"Oh," Seungwan snapped out of it and browsed through her notes, "Princess lessons is from 9am to 12pm. Then you'll have your lunch and short break. At 1:30pm you have a scheduled horse back riding lesson and the Prince already gave his permission to let you ride his horse." Ugh, is riding a horse really necessary for me to learn? "At 5pm onwards you're free. Is there anything you want to do? I can help you make plans." 5pm and I'll be dead. Today is gonna be hectic.

I suddenly remembered the sunset. I don't even know if he'll really make it. But regardless, I'll excert at least my minimum effort. Anyways, I still have time to prepare for that after all these. "Ah, I'm not good at cooking." I honestly spoke, "Can I ask for some restaurant suggestions who serves good seafood dishes? Also I want to set it up for two in the garden before the sunset."

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