Update, or Lack there of.

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This story isn't ending, i just want you all to know that due to many factors im not updating for awhile. If you care, keep reading. I promise i am working hard on the next chapter.

you care? well, here are my reasons why;

1, is school. I have way too much homework and im stressed more then you think. Plus people in my school arent the nicest, so im stress about "fitting in" per say. 

2, boyfriend. If you have seen my book digital love you know i have a bf. I am always busy with him and time not spent on school or hobbies is 100% spent on him. 

3, lack of motivation. Guys, i just cant write this story with the way my mental health is and all the fucked up shit that will end up happening. I use a lot of my personality and out it on Dipper, i need to stop writing that way. No, Mali nor Sara are self inserts. I do not ship them with any cannon character. Unless you count Mali x Tad. Cause, well, thats a spoiler o.<

i hope you all understand. Thank you for the support. Also, I would like to tell you the biggest factor is for sure my bf or motivation. 

Do you guys want a yandere x reader?  i wanna do that but i dont know if i'll do great or if it'll get any attention.  Comment yes on this if you do

(also doing a GF/SU cosplay in oct so stay tuned)

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