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They return to the estate. Julie is lost in thought and just follows her mother-in-law through the door. "Julie," she hears Adam's anquished words, not cried but said softly like he was in pain.

Julie startled looks up at Adam. He looks like shit. His clothes are the same from the day before. They are obviously wrinkled, his tie is mostly undone and the top buttons of his shirt are unbuttoned. He is unshaved and his eyes hold pain and regret in them that mirrors her own.

Julie has never seen Adam so disheveled before. That is what decides her after listening to Mary Ann.  She stands in the hall and waits for Adam to come towards her. "I would never betray you willingly, you must believe me." Adam says coming to her. He wants more than anything to take her into his arms and hold her close. He aches to do so, when he thinks about the footage he saw, not just the tabloid, but from his office as well, he doesn't dare do so.

Julie watches him impassively until she sees the tear falling down his cheek. Her eyes open wide in shock. The only other time she saw him cry was at their wedding and when he thought she might die.

Unnoticed by the couple all the servants and family vacate the hall to give them some privacy.

"Who was she?" Julie says softly.

"The daughter of the man I was meeting with to buy his company. He was also behind the idea for a rebellion against my rule. He was the one that found the black witch willing to make the potion. He and all those behind the rebellion are being rounded up to be brought for trial.

"The black witch that made the potion is being brought in shortly and there is evidence that she was getting ready to perform the demon calling." Adam takes a deep breath and lets it out.

"There is more than what was shown on that tabloid, Jewel. After I saw what I did there I looked up the security footage for my office. It's bad." Adam in shame looks down.

Julie walks to him and lifts his face up, "How bad is bad, Adam?" Julie knows the others said that he couldn't have sex with another but this...

"I didn't have sex with her, but-" Adam swallows heavily, "It came damn close to it. If there is anything good to come out of this fiasco it would be how fucking frustrated that bitch was because she was all hot and bothered and I wouldn't bring her."

"Just how close, Adam?"

"I was kissing her without her clothing, but no oral or other sex." Adam hates how his words cause pain to enter Julie's eyes.

He can't hold back the tears he himself has at what he did. "I'm sorry, baby. So very, very sorry, if you want I'll leave and give you a divorce. You can have everything you want."

"What would happen to you if I accept that?" Julie is now getting angry, is Adam going to give up now?

Adam gives a bitter laugh, "I'm doubtful that I'd last until the divorce is finalized. It fucking hurts, the pain that I've caused you, from before and even more so now after admitting to the rest. I won't be responsible to causing you even more pain."

"You think leaving me wouldn't cause me pain? What happened to your vows of through good times and bad? If you don't want this marriage anymore then by all means leave, but if you want to save this marriage and are willing to work for it then stay." Julie says angrily before she runs up the stairs to her old room. 

This is going to be hell on her. Has been hell on her. Damn she's so tired. She doesn't even bother to change as she feels her eyes slowly closing.

Julie feels the warmth and snuggles into it. As an arm pulls her even closer she sighs out in pleasure.

Aaron holds Julie close to him. He just hopes that Adam will do what's necessary to fix things. They came close to losing Julie when Alex betrayed her, they will this time if Adam doesn't step up and do what he needs to.

He blocks off the nagging voice of his wife and just watches Julie as she sleeps. Slowly the room lightens up as the sun rises.

Julie sighs again and starts stretching. That's when she realizes that someone is holding her.

"Oh, Aaron, how long have you been here?" Julie has long ago lost any shyness with being in bed with any of the Demarco boys.

"About midnight. Adam found me and told me that you wouldn't welcome his arms but didn't want you left alone either. Will you be leaving today?" Aaron internally crosses his fingers.

"No, if anyone leaves Adam says that he will. If he isn't going to fight for this marriage then he's welcome to leave." Julie's voice has turned cold, but Aaron can still hear the undertone of hurt and pain that she's trying hard to hide.

Julie looks at Aaron once more, "Won't your wife be upset at you being here? She doesn't like you being around me anymore than on your day with me." Julie says and silently adds selfish bitch, to the end of her sentence. She never could understand how someone like Aaron could be with someone like Sophia. Talk about a cold hearted bitch and gold digger. Mary Ann who adores Julie can't stand Sophia or Alex's special one Callie. To tell the truth, neither could Julie.

Aaron just shrugs his shoulders. "Let her be upset. It wouldn't be the first time and it won't be the last." Unlike Michelle and Sarah that want children, Sophia can't stand the creatures and resents the time Aaron spends with them. She's more than willing to let Julie be mother to his children, but doesn't like him spending time with her either.

"I've never understood..." Julie stops herself short. Aaron and Sophia need to deal with things on their own and don't need her to make things worse.

Aaron laughs bitterly, "I've never understood it either. Come on, the children will be wanting breakfast soon. After that, what would you like to do for the day?"

Julie blinks at him. She'd totally forgotten that today is Tuesday, her day with him.

She smiles up at him a bit wickedly, "I don't much feel like going anywhere or doing much of anything. Have any ideas of what we can do here?"

Aaron smiles back at her, that's one of the things he loves about Julie, no matter how much she's hurting she tries to help others. That and she's fantastic in bed, unlike the cold bitch he married. "Oh, I think I can think of a few things to amuse us in here." He says as he leans down and kisses her.

Unlike with Arthur and Azlo, she didn't stop relations with Aaron or the others when they found their special ones and started having relations with them. The boys wouldn't let her.

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