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There is once more stunned silence in the room. Subcommander under the highest of the angels. 'No wonder Jewel is so strong,' Adam thinks.

"Listen we don't have much more time. Jewel or Julie if you prefer, is double bound to you five, but to Adam she is triple bound. 

"Angels can't have abortions or they die." This brings outrage to all in the room. If they hadn't killed that thing then she would have died any way.

"Peace, have I not said that Jewel is an exception to the rules?"

The Demarcos and their spouses calm down. "There are exceptions to the Creators rule, that usually only apply to humans, but angels aren't usually kidnapped by black witches and used as a sacrifice either. She will be fine as long as she survives the angels bane.

"But she will need to be with you. Her body will release many eggs. It's likely that she will be pregnant with more than she can have and still survive."

"What do you mean?" Michelle says more than a little scared.

"Angels, like humans don't have many babies at a time. Angels have a limit that is higher than humans, they can only have at most fifteen. Anything more will kill her."

She looks at all them to make sure that they understand. "This will be her last pregnancy, she won't be able to have more after this."

"What's going on?" Julie asks waking up. She looks directly at her mother. Then she looks over at her father.

"I've seen you both before. Who are you?"

"Jewel, they're your real parents." Adam tells her squeezing her hand.

Jewel sneers. "My parents are dead, the best thing they ever did for me."

"No, your biological parents are angels."

Julie looks at them, "Why the hell was I left in the care of those bastards?"

The two look at her sorrowfully, "At the time, we didn't know. Once we did it was too late. Listen our time is short and your husbands can answer your questions. This will be your last pregnancy, but you cannot have more than fifteen or it will kill you. You cannot have an abortion or it will kill you. Do you understand?" 

"I understand that if I am pregnant with more than fifteen, heaven forbid, than it will kill me no matter what. Thanks." Jewel isn't too happy with her parents.

"We have to go now. Just one question, how did you save Jewel from the angel bane?"

"It took both Aaron and myself to heal her and the sticking her in ice cold water to take the fever away. Aaron and I had to stay by her side to make sure that she wouldn't die until she woke up." Adam answers promptly. He saw no reason not too. The angels have given them answers to questions they've had for years. He never could understand how Julie had such a strong will. Now he knows. Angels have the strongest will known. They have to in order to go against demons.

"Thank you, all of you, for the love and care you've given our Jewel." The female angel says, "I know you don't believe us, but we do love you very much." With that the angels leave.

Jewel then looks at each of the Demarco boys, "Alright, who's going to tell me what the hell happened and what the angels refused to tell me?"

Andres and Mary Ann quickly excuse themselves. They are thankful that they won't have to be the ones to deal with Julie like this.

"I'm glad you're back, Jules," Michelle says bending over and giving her a hug. Sarah does the same and Jennifer just waves on her way out.

Once she's alone with the six vampires she waits impatiently for them to begin explaining.

"Start with what happened to me." Julie says with no equivocation.

"You were kidnapped again." Aiden says painfully. That's three times she was kidnapped while with him.

"Aiden, there is no way in hell I'll ever go shopping with you again." Julie tells him and she's not smiling.


"Was anyone killed this time?" Julie asks softly. She still misses Liam.

"No, but they knew who and what we are."

"Candy told them. She was there to be paid for the information. I don't know who she sold it too, but good heavens their scent was bitter." Julie wrinkles her face at the memory that is coming back to her.

"Candy?" There is no doubt that Adam is furious.

"No, not this time, Adam. This time I'll be the one to make her pay." Julie tells him. Adam thinks about it then decides. "Fair enough, you were the one most harmed."

"They used darts that were laced with the same drug that was used on your first abduction. The main ingredient is angel's bane. It works on angels like wolf bane works on werewolves." Aiden continues.

"I don't understand?"

"Jewel, you were never human, you were an angel. Although you were turned years ago, you are still intrinsically an angel and so the angel bane still worked on you."

"Well that explains why I feel like shit. Now the rest of the story, please."

"The black witches kidnapped you to use you as the sacrifice to call a demon, or in this case multiple demons up."

"Well, you must have gotten there in time since I'm still alive." Julie says snuggling up to Adam.

"No, Julie, actually we didn't. The sacrifice," Adam doesn't want to tell her this next part. "The sacrifice was for the demon to impregnate a female. By the time we found you the demon had already raped you. If I had been just minutes faster than-" Adam has to stop and looks down in shame.

"You're telling me some bloody demon raped me and got me with his spawn?" Julie says coolly and calmly. She turns from Adam who isn't answering her to look at the others and they all nod and look down in shame.

"You killed it right? I'm not going to give birth to some monster child?"

"It's dead, but in killing it, it started a chain reaction much like if one of us got you pregnant. You will need to be with us with in  a short amount of time."

"Oh, that's what that angel meant about pregnancy and making sure that I don't have more than fifteen. 

"This will be my last one?" Julie asks softly.

"Yes." Adam says finally.

"Do you still want me?" Julie asks with tears in her eyes as she looks at them all. "I'm dirty, defiled by a demon and it's spawn."

Adam immediately pulls her into his arms. "Always, love. I'll always want you and you aren't defiled or dirty. That thing stole from you, from us. You didn't give it. You had no way to even fight it since you were already dying."

Each of them reassure her of the same thing.

"You are ours and we aren't giving you up." Adam says flatly.

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