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"Julie can I talk to you for a minute?" Adam asks when he sees Julie with Aaron in the kitchen.

Julie looks to Aaron, "I'll make you breakfast as you go talk to Adam." Julie likes to eat a regular breakfast in the mornings and drink blood like she used to drink orange juice. Although she took fairly well to the vampire life, there are many vampires that have a hard time believing that she is one. She doesn't like human blood, she prefers the blood of the Demarco's and will take human food over blood any time. 

Adam thinks that might be part of the reason the bitch thought she might have a chance with him. He forcefully shoves thoughts of her away and just concentrates on his wife, his love.

Julie silently follows him into his study and takes a seat across from the throne chair and waits for him to start.

"I can't, Julie, I can't leave. I will do anything and everything I have to, to save our marriage. Just tell me what I need to do to salvage things." Adam is all but on his knees begging her at this point.

Julie doesn't say anything and just wipes the tears from her face as she ponders on what her husband told her. After a bit she looks at him, "I love you, Adam, you know that. Until yesterday the idea that you could possibly betray me never even entered my mind. The pain of seeing you with another woman was incredible. I can't tell you how to fix this, because I don't know. You know that I don't trust easily and you know why.
"You know what Alex had to do and how it affected me and we weren't even married or aware that he was one of my special ones.
"I know you are and we are married. I'm doing my best to remember that you were in essence forced to be with her, but it's hard when images of you holding her and kissing her come to my mind and you don't look forced.
"I am thankful that you didn't try to hide that there is more, but I at the same time wish I didn't know. I haven't seen the footage, but I can imagine what you did from what you said. There is a reason I don't tell you what I do with your brothers and you don't ask.
"So no, I don't know how to fix this, but I am willing to try as long as you are willing. But the moment you tell me that you give up and walk out that door, then that will be the last time you'll ever have with me. I won't give you another chance after that."

Adam bites his lower lip and looks down. Julie is far to forgiving, but he's very thankful that she is. He quickly wipes his own tear off his cheek and says, "I won't give up, Julie, not until I've won your trust once more.

"Can I hold you, Julie?" Adam is nearly desperate, he needs to hold his wife. He knows that things aren't even close to being fixed, but if she allows his hug then perhaps things will work out.

Julie gives him a silent nod and that's all it takes for Adam to be out of his chair and over to her. He picks her up and holds her tight. It takes her hitting him to get him to loosen his arms enough for her to breathe. He blushes, embarrassed that he was so reckless with her.

He is therefore, shocked when she lifts his face up and gives him a kiss. A long kiss that holds love and longing in it.

"Spend Sunday with me?" Adam begs, he knows that he can't have any day earlier and he won't have time anyway, he has the mess that bitch created to clean up.

"It's yours." Julie tells him and smiles ignoring the tears that want to fall.

"Thank you," Adam says and lets out a sigh of relief when he looks at her aura. It still amazes him that it has retained the purity that she had before she was turned. It is still white with the red outer shield like layer. The red is whole and the white is bright and clear, no sign of the grey that was there after Alex was with Judy.

Thoughts of that bitch sours his stomach so he only accompany's Julie back and doesn't eat. He'll get a cup of blood later if his stomach settles down.

Julie, not knowing her husband's thoughts smiles happily as they return to the kitchen. Suddenly her appetite is much improved, she even wants fresh blood.

"Adam, before you go, can I drink from you?" She might take blood from the donors, but only takes it fresh from Adam, Aaron and Alex.

The other Demarco's don't mind and their wives prefer it that way. Julie always drinks from the neck and it's very intimate, unless she's pregnant, then she'll drink from their wrist. Unless she's pissed it's always an enjoyable experience too.

Aaron does his best to ignore the two as Julie bites into Adam's neck. He plates up the food and slides it to where Julie will sit when she's done drinking from Adam. He fights the urge to be jealous. Adam is her husband and she is his special one, his first and foremost. The rest of them are just lucky to be bound to her as well. Aaron is glad that Julie seems to be working with Adam on fixing things between them, but he can't help but wish that Julie was his and his alone.

He does his best to make sure that no one else knows how he feels. It is not fair to his wife or Julie or Adam. He just wishes he didn't have these feelings. From the first he saw Julie he felt them, even though he knew Adam had already claimed her.

"Hey, what are you thinking about so deeply?" Julie says as she sits down and starts eating. "It's far to early in the morning to have such deep thoughts.

Aaron smirks, "It's nine. That's not all that early. I was just remembering the first day I met you. I can't believe that your ten year anniversary is coming up next month."

Julie smirks. "Time sure flies. Have you talked to Aiden about the party?"

"Talked to me about what?" Aiden says volubly as he comes into the kitchen. He's been up for hours and is ready for a snack.

"The birthday party for the kids." Julie replies once she swallows the food she just put in her mouth.

"Relax, everything is under control. Adam has approved everything," The first part was said with a happy wink and the last with a sour voice. Many of the ideas Aiden had Adam shot down. He doesn't understand why Adam didn't want sword swallowers or flame dancers at the birthday party, he's sure the kids would love it.

Adam and Alex were talking about business with Aaron when Aiden presented his ideas. All three had blanched, they could just see their sons wanting to swallow sharp knives and play with flames. All three had shuddered Aaron and Alex were very thankful when Adam was adamant that those two things would not be part of the party.

Adam did okay the pony rides, bouncy house, balloon artist and face painters. Alex is working on the menu with him. They decided that each child could have their own cake and they ordered ones that reflected the likes of each child.

It should be a day they will all remember.

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