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Julie watches as her children run screaming as they play some sort of tag game. Aiden planned a day of fun and games. It is far simpler than he normally does and both she and Adam were able to accept all his ideas readily. She was actually surprised by what he had planned.

So far the kids have been enjoying it as well.

Some how he managed to find people to come dressed as the Disney princesses and all her girls are loving it. Even Margo's daughters seem to be liking it. 

"Julie? Are you okay? You seem lost in thought." Margo says coming up to her friend who like always is off on the sidelines watching everyone else have fun and not joining in herself.

"I'm fine, I've been meaning to talk to you but things haven't been quiet enough to do so." First there had been her kidnapping, then threats to the werewolves. Threats sufficiently strong for Mike to involve Adam.

"What's going on?" Margo asks as she guides Julie to a couple of unoccupied seats.

"About a month and half ago, Judy hired some people to kidnap me." Julie has been dreading telling Margo about Judy because of what happened last time.

"Are you okay? They didn't use the drug that damn near killed you did they?"

"No, Aiden, myself, my driver and two guards were jumped as we were finishing up with some shopping. The guards and Liam, my driver, were killed. Aiden was knocked out and so was I. Since the kidnappers were human and didn't know better they didn't tie up Aiden. He was able to follow the kidnappers to Judy's parents' house where they tied me up.

"Again since they didn't know better I was able to free myself and deal with the three that took me by the time Adam and the boys showed up." Margo is smirking at this. She always knew that Julie could hold her own if push came to shove. Julie's a dirty fighter when she wants to be and she'd want to be after being kidnapped again.

"Judy crossed Adam one too many times. She's dead now." Julie tells Margo.

"Good. Why Adam didn't kill her after what she did to you and Alex I'll never know or understand. How did he punish her anyway?"

"All female prison, and put her to work in his strip club when she got out. He garnished her wages but did offer her a place to rent there at the club."

"Adam is far more generous than I thought he was." Margo says thoughtfully.

"Thank you Margo, I think. What makes you say that?" Adam says coming over and wrapping his arms around his wife as she sits talking to Margo.

"How you dealt with Judy before her latest debacle."

"Oh, you wouldn't say that after I finished with her-"

"She deserved it, Adam. Whatever you did, she deserved it." Margo doesn't want to hear what he did, she does know that Judy deserves whatever she got. Adam smirks at her.

"After that, well I got pregnant again." Julie says softly.

Margo looks at her incredulously. "I thought you weren't going to have more?"

Adam breaks in, "It wasn't planned and you can blame Aaron this time."

Now Margo is beyond shocked. "Not possible."

"Sarah and Jennifer got pregnant within twenty-four hours of Jewel here." Adam is enjoying screwing with Margo by giving her the absolute truth.

"Now I know you are messing with me-" Margo is cut off my Julie shaking her head.

"It's all true, Margo. We didn't know that Aaron could do that or we would have been more careful. As for Sarah and Jennifer that's true as well. Azlo told me after he was with me. She'll have his twins about the same time I'll have his child.

"Jennifer wanted to watch and in exchange spent the day in bed with Aiden after we were through. I don't know who was more shocked or more pleased."

"Michelle, oh shit. How's she taking this?" Margo says as she realizes that Michelle will now be the only one not having one of her own.

"She's about to break although she doesn't show it. I wish desperately that there was something I could do, but there isn't." Julie says fighting her own tears. She feels Michelle's pain acutely and wants nothing more than to take it away. She knows that Arthur is suffering as well because of the pain Michelle is going through.

"Michelle is stronger than either of you are giving her credit for. There is no doubt that she's hurting, but she'll be alright. Especially once she holds Arthur's child." Adam says trying to comfort them both but it's more than a little awkward and doesn't seem to work well.

"Where's Mike, Margo?" Adam says to change the subject.

"Some pack business came up just as we were heading out the door. He sent us on ahead and said he'd come as soon as he could get away." Margo says sadly. Things have been strained between her and Mike lately and she's not sure what she did wrong. He won't talk to her and seems to avoid spending time with her if he can although he seems to find time for the kids.

Margo comes to a decision, "Adam, I want to ask you something about werewolves, would you answer me honestly?"

Adam goes on alert. He can smell the sadness that Margo is hiding. "I can try. Werewolves aren't the most gregarious of people. I will answer you honestly though. You should ask your husband if you have a question about them."

"I can't, not this one. He's been avoiding me. He is always busy when it comes time to do something he planned with me, but always finds time to be with the kids. He suddenly is always busy late into the night with pack business. If he was human I'd say he was cheating on me.

"My question is, have you heard of mates cheating on their mate? Can they cheat?"

"Shit, Margo," Adam says standing up straight and running his hands through his hair. After the fiasco with the vampire bitch he never thought Margo would get so personal with him.

"I honestly have only heard of one case where a wolf cheated on his mate. It caused his mate so much pain that it killed her. The pack tried the male for adultery and murder and was put to death. He was the alpha of the pack. They also found the female were guilty of adultery and murder and she too was put to death.

"That is what I know. How true it is or what kind of pain was caused I don't know. The pain might have been caused by the damage to the mate bond or by a poison or something administered by one of the cheating pair. I wish I could be of more help." Adam is distressed by this news. Wolves don't stray from their mates. No more than vampires can stray on their special ones.

"Thank you, Adam. If that is true then perhaps all is not lost with my marriage." Margo breaks into tears.

'I'm going to take her inside. I think it might be time for Margo to spend some time away from her pack.'

Adam looks at the crying female in his wife's arms. 'I think you are right. I'll talk to Mike if he ever shows up.' Julie nods and guides her friend inside for some privacy.

Some twenty minutes later Mike shows up. "What the fuck did you do to my wife?" Mike says attacking Adam verbally as soon as he changed from his wolf and gets dressed.

"I think you and I need to have a talk privately." Adam says and uses his command. Mike resists for an impressively long time but in the end his wolf submits and so does he. Adam turns from the happy cries of the children and ushers Mike to his study.

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