Love Like You (Part 5)

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Tears blurred his vision and saw the boots of her leave behind him. Doors shut before he realized that she left. No explanation, no nothing, and this time, he had to sit back and watch her leave. Armin clenched his fists. Fell to the ground on his knees, long swipes of hair cascading his shoulders and sticking to his face from the tears. That same pain. A burning touch to his soul where his heart should be. Annie took it with her.

. . .

Annie walked out as fast as she could after that. She couldn't find herself to look back at him and face the man she left behind. In fact, the man behind her was only being left because she didn't want to cause more pain to her family. That monster inside of her was feeding for the need to kill and hunt. Being this way has eaten at her soul for years. Armin was merely clueless about the war in her soul. 

"I can't be here. I can't be near my babies." 

The blonde continued running until reaching the edge of the woods. A storm was brewing before she left and now it was pitch black with rain. No source of light or guidance as she blindly walked about the trees. The darkness calmed her mind into flashbacks of him. When they first met and how much of a major bitch she was. That moment he did whatever it took to make her apart of the Survey Corps in her 'Last Stand', or that he still waited for her when she left for months. Just to bring him back an anniversary gift. All of those years. 

She smiled back to the fond memories of finding out they were having children. He was so happy. His love was purely unconditional.

Time seemed to drift away when a noise was heard behind her, "Who's there!?"

The crunch of twigs came closer and faster, jolting her to start running again. The sense of panic set in as rain started to make her trip over everything. There was no time to react and regretting the sense of visibility. 

Soon, enough the movement behind her seemed to stop or go away. She sighed and the next thing she knew, Annie's foot didn't hit the ground. Losing all balance before falling straight down a cliff, hitting every ledge and branch. She didn't know when she hit the ground.

Everything went by so fast. Death snatched her so quick, nothing was comprehensible.

. . .

Annie could feel movement in her fingers, then her toes, soon enough her body was seeming to come in tune. Until trying to open her eyes, only to shut them quickly. The bright light blinded her and caused the blurry scene around her. After some time, she started to take notice of where she was. It felt like a room of pure light, she sat up on the empty floor and stood up to look around. There was no sense of environment except the simple oak door in front of her.

"Hello?" Annie called out to the quiet air.

The woman pulled on the door cautiously and peeked in. A room. Well, more of a living room with a couch and a coffee table in front of it. She walked closer when noticing an object on it.

The white rose.

Annie was sitting on the couch, watching. Or more like, looking. On the coffee table was just that. She was full of shock and wonder. How? It should've died long ago. Withered with time that passed on by. Mysteries are still among us and continue to be apart of Annie life... well, after life now. 

The blonde shut her eyes to stop tears from falling as the realization of death was approaching her mind.


It's been years.. Time had to place here. There's nothing here.

This rose should have died long ago and what felt like a mere hour, has apparently turned into years. The blonde could not take back her life or what she has done but, she can see Armin? It was an odd moment for Annie as she was presented with a vision. This vision was of her babies and Armin, with another woman. 

"They moved on." Tears started welling up and her sanity was close to breaking before another vision blurred into her mind. 

Now, she watched her husband running through the woods, only to find herself standing in front of him in shock. He was in a tux and everyone was looking for him.

"Armin," she whispered in a state of confusion.

Eren and Mikasa then ran up next to them. Her friends couldn't see her but, Armin could. It hurts her to see everyone like this and witness the pain of thinking their blonde friend is crazy in the woods. Chasing after his dead wife... He never gave up on her. Armin still loved Annie and even she could not believe that he still does. Even after her death. 

"Why didn't I see it? Why did I leave..?" she then stared at the white emptyness around her. Finding herself alone and broken more than ever. 

Armin, what would it take for me to love like you?

I Got You (Book Three)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant