Chapter Seven

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Friday. I never thought a single word could carry so much satisfaction and happiness.

I get up effortlessly, still sleepy, but happy. In a few hours it'll be weekend and our group will hang out at noon. Finally this week is going to end.

"Morning." I say as I enter the kitchen, ruffling Chuck's hair in the process. He smiles at me.

"Morning." He replies, returning to eating his cereals. I guess I'm not the only one who's in a good mood today.

"Where's mom?" I sleepily ask while I grab my own cereal.

"Getting ready in her room."

I nod and sit next to Chuck.

I realize now that I haven't had that much time to talk to him these past few days, and if it does cost me to say, I missed my little brother.

"How's school going, Chuckie?" I ask, putting a full spoon of milk and cereals on my mouth.

"Pretty good, actually. I've made a lot of friends and everyone is really nice to me." He smiles genuinely at me, and I feel my heart complete. Even if he sometimes pushes a nerve on me, I still love him to death.

Our mom comes in the room right after I finish my cereal.

"Good morning, honey." She says, giving Chuck a kiss on the cheek and then does the same with me.

I get myself prepared, and head out the house, to the school.

I start jogging when I see Minho and Newt walking not too ahead of me, and I quickly reach them, scaring them in the process.

Minho is the one who screams the loudest, making me laugh immediately.

"Shuck you, Thomas!" He exclaims angrily, pointing a finger to my face.

"You should've seen your face!" I laugh even more when his scary face crosses my mind again, to the point I have to stop walking and bend down to try to stop myself from laughing to death.

"You're lucky I'm in a good mood today." Minho says, walking alongside Newt and I reach them again.

"And why is that?" I ask, my laughter dying down to chuckles.

"Minho here just got Harriet as his girlfriend." Newt happily says, patting his friend strongly on the back.

"No way! Really man? It was about time!" I exclaim enthusiastically, hugging him afterwards.

I knew these two would end up together. It's plastered on their faces.


"So, class, today we're going to work in pairs." Mr. Randall excitedly announces. The class is ready to groan in frustration when he lifts a finger, shushing us. "And you can choose who you're going to work with."

Everyone in the class cheers, smiling at the teacher. He's probably the only teacher I like.

"I'll give you a few minutes for you to get ready." Mr. Randall states and sits down on his desk, arranging some papers and then walking to the board, writing some equations on it.

I see Minho pair up with Harriet, of course. Newt asks me if he can pair up with the girl I know he's been crushing on for some days, and I obviously let him.

"Go get her man!" I whisper smirking.

"Shh! Be bloody quiet!"

I laugh at him and look around the room, realizing that everyone has paired up besides me... and Teresa...

I walk over to her table.

"Hey!" I smile, catching her attention.

"Hi!" She smiles softly, lifting her head to look at me.

"I think we're the only ones left... do you wanna um... pair up with me?" Why do I always stutter when I'm asking her something? Gosh!

"Sure, Thomas." She motions for me to sit beside her.

We smile at each other before Mr. Randall starts speaking again.

"Your task is pretty simple. The first pair to solve these equations will have half a point of advantage at the end of the year."

Everyone gasps, their eyes opening wide. I'm not that good in Maths, but I'm fine with equations, thankfully. I look over at Teresa and she seems pretty confident as well.

"Alright, I'll count to three, and when someone's finished, raise your hands, please."

Mr. Randall counts to three and the room turns silent, only occasional whispers from the groups.

Teresa and I start working immediately on the equations, solving them fast.

I take a few seconds to look at her while she works. She looks focused and determined. I notice how her eyebrows furrow when she's thinking. I allow myself to smile a bit, before returning to solving the equations.

Some minutes pass and we're almost finished. I look up to see that everyone is still working hard on their task, and I let Teresa solve the last one, since she's way faster than me.

"That's it!" She whispers, and I don't waste any time. I rise my hand, calling for our teacher's attention.

He opens his eyes in surprise, and walks towards us.

He checks every equation, and Teresa and I glance at each other reluctantly at the final result.

"That's all correct." Mr. Randall whispers, smiling at us both. He stands up and walks to his desk. "We have the winners." He announces happily, while the class groans in defeat.

"You can use the rest of the few minutes left to talk to each other."

I look over at Teresa, who's smiling widely, and I don't waste any time to return the gesture.

"We did it, Tom!" She happy says, and then her face turn into a serious one. "I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have called you that, gosh I'm so sorry."

"No, hey, it's okay! It's fine... I like it." I smile, and soon Teresa smiles as well.

Tom. I like it. Her nickname for me.

Soon, our friends join us.

"Good job, guys!" Newt says, patting my back in the process.

"I never thought you shank would be so smart." Minho smiles. "And I just lost half a point because of you." He changes his face to a serious one, playfully.

We spend the rest of the time chatting, and finally the bell rings.

I'm walking down the door with my group, when I see Brenda.

And she's kissing another guy.


Hey guys!! I'm sorry for the slow update but I was kinda busy these days. How you love it and until next chapter!

Love you! ❤

Skinny Love ~ A Thomesa AU StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang