Chapter Twenty Three

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Hello guys!!!

This is the last chappie but big one coming up!!!

I'm beyond excited for this!!!


Thomas' POV

Brenda has called a few hours ago apologizing for her actions, about what she said.

I don't blame her. Really, I don't.

She explained that she had had a bad day yesterday, it evolving her 'so called' friends and all that. Apparently they weren't as trustworthy as she thought they were and so she relied herself on the drink.

Thankfully, Frypan took good care of her yesterday, and things are meant to come back to what they were.

"I think she deserved better friends..." Teresa says as we lay on the soft, green grass, our perfect spot to spend time on.

"Yeah, she is a good person deep down, we all know that. Brenda just wanted to have a different life, and I can totally understand her." I reply, lifting my hands for them to rest below my head. Teresa is laying just beside me, her hands resting on her stomach as she looks up at the orange and yellowish sky.

"I'd like to be her friend." Teresa states truthfully, and I turn my head to look at her more intently. "Everyone needs friends. I could be her friend." She looks back at me, her bright blue eyes showing honesty and tenderness.

See, that's one of the many things I came to love about Teresa. She barely knows Brenda, and still, after everything she does know (which aren't that much great) she still wants to give her a second chance. Teresa really has a heart bigger than the world.

I find myself smiling softly, and Teresa is quick to smile back, the kind of smile that reaches her eyes and causes them to stand out in the afternoon light.

"What?" She chuckles, turning around on her side facing me. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You're a really good person, you know that, don't you?"

"People say that all the time." She remarks sarcastically, returning to her previous position as we laugh it all.

It's moments like these that make me want to spill every feeling that has been locked inside my chest for all this time to her. Tell her how beautiful she looks even when she's tired, or how big of a heart she has.
And I know I will, someday.

"You're leaving today." I say more as a statement than a question, because I know she is leaving again. This all feels like a dejà vu, and I can't help but hope it doesn't turn out like the other time. I almost confessed her everything because I was too scared of never seeing her again. But now, now I know that we'll never stop seeing each other, not really.

"Yeah... it was good though... see you guys again." She says, her eyes focusing on a cloud above.

"Thank you for coming yesterday. I mean, I wasn't expecting you to, since you were so far away, but thank you, it really means a lot to me." I say sincerely, glancing at the sun setting over the horizon.

"I wouldn't miss your Birthday even if I was in the other half of the world, Tom." She admits shyly, and I feel my cheeks heating up slightly.

Yep Thomas, you're completely doomed.

"Did anything important happen here while I was away? Sonya kept me updated but I want to hear it from you." Teresa smiles, turning once again to her side, her hand resting below her right cheek.

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