Chapter Ten

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"Thomas! Catch it!" I hear Minho shout as he throws me the basketball, me catching it easily, jumping a bit to aim at the basket and scoring a point to our team.

I'm lucky to have Minho and Newt on PE with me, since we all share the deep like for this subject. We aren't learning tracks and running yet, but I still enjoy it. Better than having an hour of boreness with Mr. Janson.

"There you go boys! The victory is yours." I hear the Coach say as our class sits in front of him.

"Alright, I want you all to divide yourselves in two groups, and form a circle." We hear some more of Coach's instructions as two groups stand in a circle in the middle of the gym.

"Pass the ball to the meatball on your right and recieve the ball from the other meatball on your left." Yes, our Coach treats us as meatballs. Don't know why, but it's always a funny thing to hear. "Memorise who's giving you or receiving the ball from you and then we'll step to the next level."

We do as we're told, and soon we're all passing the ball to each other and running around.

"Hey, Tommy?" I hear Newt call as we stop to rest for some minutes, both breathless from the effort. "Teresa is over there as well."

I turn my head towards the other half of the gym, watching as a load of students enter the place. I catch a glimpse of a dark haired, blue eyed girl walking around as well, her hair pulled in a ponytail as every girl has to do.

There's a moment when Teresa looks at me as well, and we greet each other with a small smile and a wave of hands.

"Hellooo! Earth to Thomas!" Minho waves his hand in front of my face, immediately causing me to give him a deadly glare through my eyes.

"Let's win some games, 'kay shuckface?"

I nod and we start passing and throwing the ball at the basket, scoring some points to our team.

Teresa's POV

We're running around the gym as a warm up. I'm currently chatting with Sonya and Harriet and seriously, they're the funniest girls I've ever met.

"Can you believe that!?" Harriet exclaims as she tells us the story when Minho totally forgot about their date and excused himself by saying that he didn't have enough hair gel to go out.

I chuckle at their stories, and soon we're playing basketball as well, since it's the sport of the term.

"Alright guys, give everything you have and get started." Our Coach yells, startling us all but soon moving for us to start playing. He's kinda rude, yes, but he knows how to teach.

I team up with Harriet and Sonya, of course, since they're my best friends, and we joke around as we throw each other the ball.

I occasionally sneak a glance at Thomas, who's playing competitively alongside Newt and Minho, only stopping for some seconds to put some air on his lungs.

The boy I can call my best friend for life.

My head turns back to reality.

"Teresa! Watch out!"

I only remember hearing someone shout my name and a deep pain on the left side of my head before my vision turns completely dark.


Sorry if it's short but I think I'll update again today soon. I just felt like ending this chapter like this 😉

Unlike Thomas, Newt and Minho, I'm terrible at PE 😂 Not terrible, but I don't like it at all 😂

Love ya and see you soon ❤

Skinny Love ~ A Thomesa AU StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon