Chapter Thirteen

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"Guys, I need your help!" I hear Minho shout as we walk through the school's hallways.

Newt and I turn around and wait for him to catch us.

"I need advice." Minho says as he catches his breath.

Newt and I exchange looks, our eyebrows lifted in surprise. Minho, the sassy, tough, funny Minho, asking for advice? Something must be really bugging that small mind of his.

"With...?" Newt asks as we start walking towards class.

"Harriet got kinda mad at me because I forgot about our date and now she's refusing to actually go out with me when I promise I won't forget." He whines, huffing and stuffing his hands on his pockets.

"Aww, Min Min... I'll tell you what. Just make her feel special and she'll eventually give in, trust me." Newt smiles, patting Minho on the shoulder.

"I could ask Teresa to have a little talk with her." I suggest, shrugging my shoulders.

I know Teresa and Harriet are best friends along with Sonya, so maybe she could give Harriet a little push.

"I don't know... that would probably make her think I'm trying too hard." He reasons, looking at me.

"And you aren't?" I ask chuckling, and Minho closes his mouth in defeat as Newt laughs as well. "I think I'll have to find new friends." He says seriously, but then his face turns into a grin.

"But seriously, just help me. I need to make her know I care about her and I want things to be good between us again." Newt and I understand by the tone of his voice that he's being honest, and that he's worried as well.

"Buy her flowers, tell her how beautiful she looks, and take her to a bloody nice restaurant. I'm sure she'll love it." Newt suggests, and I nod my head, encouraging my sad friend to do it.

"Yeah... I guess that's what I'll do. Thank you guys."

"No problem, man. Anytime." I say as the bell rings and we walk inside the room.

"Do ya have any plans today? Wanna hang out?" Minho asks as he sits next to Newt, behind me.

"Nope. I'm in." Newt responds.

I would go with them, but I need to check on Teresa. I know it's been almost a week since that accident at the gym, but I want to know if she's okay, even when she says that she's fine and I don't need to visit her every day. But still, I want to make sure.

Fortunately, she'll come back next Monday.

"Sorry guys, but I need to check on Teresa. Maybe other day." I say and they nod comprehensively.

"Its okay. I'll leave Minho alone so he can take Harriet out today." Newt smirks and watches as Minho's face pales and he shows a terrified expression.

"Dude! No way! I can't do it today, I need preparation." He points out, causing Newt to roll his eyes and turn himself towards me.

"How is Teresa doing? Last time we visited her she was still a bit shaken up." Newt says with a sad sigh.

"She's getting good, pretty much healed. But I just wanna make sure."

"Of course, Tommy."

The teacher comes in and I turn myself around to the front, trying to ignore the small chuckles Newt and Minho give out as I do so.

Teresa's POV

This whole week has been the full definition of boredom there ever exists.

Skinny Love ~ A Thomesa AU StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora