Life Is A Bitch

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Chapter 3
2 Days Later
Toni's pov
I was in class when Cheryl walked in. She sat in front of me. "Can I talk to you?" I asked.

"What Toni?" Cheryl replied.

"Why have you been ignoring me?" I questioned.

"I need space Toni." She said.

"Your breaking up with me?" I asked.

"Just leave me alone Toni!!!" She yelled making everyone stare at us. I got my stuff and left the class. I went to the football field and sat under the bleachers. I saw Fangs, and Sweet Pea walking over to me.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" Fangs asked in his football uniform along with Sweet Pea. I didn't answer him and just stared into space. "It's Bombshell isn't it?"

I nodded, "She dumped me. After she told me she loves me." I felt my anxiety rising. My chest was rising and falling fast.

"Toni look at me. Focus on me." Sweet Pea said.

"I can't breathe." I said panting.

"Shush T just focus on me listen to my voice, okay? Breath slowly. Nice and easy. Just like that." He directed me. Once I got my breathing under control I looked at him and Fangs with tears in my eyes.

"Why wasn't I enough?" I asked with my voice cracking. Fangs hugged me rubbing my back. Fangs carried me to his car along with Sweet Pea.

"Okay lets get you out of here." Sweet Pea said. We got in Fangs' car and left.

"Come on is there anything you want to do?" Fangs asked.

"Crawl in a hole and die." I replied.

"Oh come your telling me she's the best one you ever had?" Sweet Pea asked. I looked at them like that was a stupid question.

"Okay well she needs to stop playing with your feelings. I'm sick of seeing you hurt all the time." Fangs stated. I didn't say anything. "I love you T but this has got to stop first your with her then your not constantly. This isn't healthy." I leaned on his shoulder.

"I know." I said in a whisper.

"Does she even know that you have anxiety, and depression problems?" Fangs asked.

"No so don't you dare tell her." I replied.

"Why can't I tell her? What do you think is gonna happen if I tell her?" Fangs shot back.

"She'll leave me for someone fucking better. Someone who's less difficult with less problems. Meanwhile I already lost myself trying to make her happy and she just moves on. Don't tell her." I stated.

"And what if she doesn't? What if it makes you closer then ever?" Fangs asked. I didn't answer him. "Look if it makes you happy that's a risk I'm willing to take."

"Well I'm not so don't tell her!!!" I yelled.

"Okay I won't." He stated.

At After The Prom
Toni's pov
I was taking shots in Fangs' house. There were girls all around me. "Hey Toni!!!" I heard Sweet Pea yell. "Body shots!!!!"

"HELL YEAH!!!" I saw Veronica walk in the kitchen. She was looking extra sexy tonight. "Mmh bitch your so not getting me to lick your stomach."

"Bitch please," Veronica stated taking off her shirt leaving her in black lace bra. "By the time I'm done with you, you'll be begging me to make you cum." I pushed her on the counter. The boys set up the salt and alcohol on her. Cheryl popped in my head and I wasn't gonna do it until I heard Veronica say, "Just fucking do it already you fucking pussy." I saw red and started licking all of the salt off her stomach then sipping the alcohol from her bellybutton. My hand was on her inner thigh and I kissed Veronica feeling the citrus flavor in my mouth. I stopped kissing her throwing the lime on the floor and I tongue kissed her rubbing her clit making her moan loud enough for everyone to hear. I pulled away winking at her. I was gonna walk away but then I saw Cheryl standing there. "Cheryl I,"

"Just don't." Cheryl said running out of the room. After that everything was blurred and faded. All I remember was Veronica touching, and kissing me.

Fangs' pov
I was sitting in my room when Jason walked in the room. I smiled and he sat in my lap. "I've missed you." Jason stated. I kissed him and he kissed back. I grabbed his ass.

"I'll remind you who you belong to." I told him. That's when Sweet Pea walked in the room.

"Dude you need to come get Toni, she's fighting with Cheryl again." He said. I walked out the room with Jason following me.

"HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!!!" Cheryl yelled.


I walked up to Toni, "Toni come on calm down."

She pushed me away from her and chuckled, "I can't believe you think you can control me after we broke up. You left me now why don't you just go fuck someone else? You got people waiting in line to do it. Just do it cus I'm done."

Cheryl stood silent, "I hate you." She ran out of the room and Jason chased after her. Toni left the room. But soon later I heard Veronica moaning loud from Sweet Pea's room knowing it was Toni fucking her.

The Morning After
Toni's pov
I woke up next to Veronica who was close to me. "Fuck," I said. I got up out of bed and put on my clothes. I went home and called Cheryl. It went straight to her voicemail and I sighed. I grabbed my pocket knife opening it. I put it to my wrist and cut myself repeatedly until blood came out.

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