I'm Sorry Veronica

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Chapter 8
Veronica's pov
I was laying in bed when Cheryl sent me an email. I opened it and there was a few videos and a picture. I watched the first video which was a sex tape of her and Toni. I squeezeed my thighs together watching the video. The way they were moaning was turning me on. I bit my lip when I saw Toni was sitting on Cheryl's face. Then the second video was the same thing but with Reggie and Natasha. The other videos were videos of people saying how they hated me and they loved my cousin. I read the picture of the note she sent and what she said in the email.

"I wanted you to know that if you ever show your face around me and Toni I will break you slowly. Have a nice night Whorenica. Xoxo CB."

I was crying watching all of the videos. I slammed my computer shut and looked at myself in the mirror. I punched it out and cried on the floor next to it. I'm a fucking monster. I don't deserve to live when everyone here does. I cried myself to sleep. When I woke up I realized I was late. I got dressed real quick then drove to school. I went to class was in gym class. When everyone left the locker room I was in the shower. I wanted to die. I want to die. I had my blade and I cut both of my wrists. I let the blood come out and I leaned against the shower wall feeling lightheaded. I turned up the heat then I fell to the floor passed out with the water still hitting my naked body.

Cheryl's pov
I went in the locker room to go to the bathroom and I heard one of the showers running. I followed the sound of the shower and then I saw Veronica Lodge passed out on the floor with her wrists bleeding out. This is all my fucking fault. I turned off the shower taking off my shirt and wrapped it around one of Veronica's wrists to stop the bleeding. I held the other with a towel. "Stay with me V!!" I yelled. I ran outside and told the gym teacher. He called the paramedics and they came to get her. We all went our next classes. I was walking to class with Toni.

"Why is Veronica in the hospital?" She asked.

"It's my fault." I said.

"What did you do?" She asked. I showed her everything. "Why did you do that? Why do you like being this vindictive person all the time?"

"Toni I'm sorry." I said.  "I just saw her that day and snapped."

"Oh your sorry? Veronica almost killed herself because of you. I'm sorry Cheryl but this where I draw the line. Stay away from me." Toni stated walking away from me.

"TONI!!!" I yelled down the hallway but she didn't look back. I ended up crying in my car. I jumped when someone knocked on the window. I looked up and saw it was Jason. "Go away!!" He got in the car and comforted me.

Toni's pov
I was running from Cheryl crying when I bumped into some muscular guy. "Sorry I didn't see you." I said looking at him then at the floor.

"Hey you okay? You seem upset." The guy asked.

"It's nothing really." I said.

"You wanna go to Pop's get your mind off of it?" He asked.

"That can be arranged." I replied.

"I'm Max." Max introduced himself.

"Hey Max we still going?" Another guy asked who looked just like him.

"Are you guys twins?" I questioned.

"Yeah." Max answered. "This is my other half Charlie. Charlie this is,"

"Our little sister, I know." Charlie replied.

"Wait what?" I said. "I don't have any family."

"Yes you do." Max said.

"I need a drink." I blurted out. They looked at each other and smiled.

"Yeah she's definitely our sister." They stated together. We ended up at Pop's. We were sitting in a booth talking and eating.

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