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Saturday, May 7, 2005

The tapping against the window pane distracted Atem from his work on his costume, causing him to look out his window and see gray clouds in the sky and tiny droplets of water hitting the glass in miniature explosions. A small smile pursing his lips, he leaned toward the window to watch. Ever since his arrival in Japan, he had been fascinated by the rainfall, which had been a rare occurrence in his native Egypt.

After a while watching the watery cascade, that familiar feeling of fullness announced itself in Atem's nether regions. With a sigh, Atem left his room and headed for the bathroom. After emptying himself, Atem went to return to his room, when he paused and listened. Usually, by now, the sounds of gunshots and bombs would be emanating from Yugi's room as the younger man played the Unreal Tournament over the LAN with Jounouchi or online. Today, all was silent.

Eyebrows creasing with slight worry, Atem opened the door and peeked in, to find Yugi lying on his bed, curled up on his side, the very picture of misery. A frown tugged Atem's lips down at this sight, as this was highly unusual for the ebullient Yugi. Closing the door behind him, Atem crossed the room and sat in Yugi's computer chair, gliding over to the bedside.

"Yugi, are you alright?" he asked.

"Yeah. I just... watched a sad video online is all," Yugi answered, without looking over his shoulder.

Atem frowned, not fooled for one second by Yugi's answer, but accepted it for the time being. After giving Yugi's shoulder a gentle squeeze, he hesitantly rose and left the room.

Monday, May 9, 2005...

"Yugi, time to wake up," came an unwelcome voice from the darkness beyond Yugi's eyelids.

"Nnngh! Go 'way!" Yugi slurred, swatting at whomever was shaking his shoulder.

The grip and movement ceased. A smiling Yugi began to sink into sleep again. Until...

An icy wet coldness soaking him from head to toe.

Yugi's eyelids flew open and he jumped.


There was Atem, head thrown back in laughter at Yugi's expense.

"Ha ha ha ha ha! You jump higher and higher with each soaking," the Egyptian exclaimed, eyes twinkling.

"Atem!" Yugi yelped indignantly.

"Bonjour," smiled Atem. "Come on. You've only an hour till your class starts."

"Yeah, OK," said Yugi, swinging his legs down and standing up.

How he wished Atem were going with him!

Today's breakfast was tomato upma, made of raw ingredients that Atem had ordered from Priya Indian. The strong spicy taste did wonders to instantly clear out Yugi and Jou's sinuses as they ate and chug a lugged water to put out the dancing flames on their tongues.

"Dere's gonna be a hot time in da ol' town t'night," quipped Jou as he finished off his upma.

"It's like there's a party in my mouth and everyone's invited," joked Yugi.

After finishing up, Yugi and Jou grabbed their backpacks. As they approached the door, they saw Atem waiting with two bento, one of which he handed to each of them.

"Four extra helpings in yours, Jou," smiled the Egyptian.

"T'anks," grinned Jou as he shouldered his bento.

"Thanks, Até," chirped Yugi as he shouldered his. "See you tonight."

"I'll have dinner for us," Atem assured the younger man.

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