Broken Soul

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The sound of rustling fabric and a sharp intake of breath caused Yugi's eyes to snap open and immediately lock with the stormy crimson of Atem's eyes as they stared back at him. Yugi took a breath to speak...

Atem's face crumpled up as the onslaught of memories and emotions washed over him.

"Yuuuuuugiiiiii..." was all he could manage as he broke down completely, covering his face with his arms. "Nnnnhhhgg!!!"

"Atem. It's alright now. It's all over," Yugi murmured as he cautiously reached across the mattress to touch Atem's arms.

At the slight contact, Atem immediately pulled away and jumped up, staring down at Yugi through watery, bloodshot eyes.

"No! This is not alright!" he barked. "How could I have said... th-those awful things to you?! Gods, I was so fucking stupid! He could have killed you!"

"But he didn't, because you were there to protect me," Yugi pointed out.

"That d-doesn't excuse my behavior, Yugi. You shouldn't... f-forgive me so easily," Atem ranted as he absently wiped at his tears. "What the hell was wrong... with me?!"

"You were scared and hurting, Atem. It's like we learned about in psych; you were defending yourself the only way you knew how," returned Yugi. "And I was wrong too: I shouldnt've kept those things from you. You had the right to..."

"NO! Look at yourself! You were never supposed to bear my scars! This happened because of me, because you took pity on me and let me into your life!" Atem screamed, having to stop to catch his breath. "I h-had no right to get you and Jou involved. I never should have moved in with you..."

Atem's words trailed off as he broke down completely, choking on his sobs.

Yugi felt an icy needle of pain lance his heart at these words, but kept his features calm.

"I knew the risks, Atem. I knew there was a chance Akhnadin might come after us. I was willing to take that chance if it meant I could be with you," he argued.

"That was a mistake! You deserve so much better than the likes of me! I'm sorry, Yugi. I can't be a good boyfriend to you; I'm just too damaged!" Atem's words dissolved into stormy sobs as he leaned back against the wall and slumped down until he was sitting on the floor, arms around his folded up legs, face buried in his knees as his form racked with sobs.

Yugi felt cold dread filling his heart and stomach at these words. Atem was ready to give up? On them, on their relationship? No! He couldn't, wouldn't let it end this way! Yugi crawled to the other side of the bed and stared at Atem's slumped over form.

"Atem, please don't give up, on me, on us! Our relationship is so not a mistake. After everything we've been through together, I think it's worth fighting for. And so what if you're damaged? I don't care if takes you a thousand years to smile again. I still wanna be with you!" he declared passionately, hoping to pierce the fog of despair that surrounded Atem's mind.

Much to Yugi's relief, Atem had raised his head slowly, revealing tear dampened cheeks and trembling jaw, and locked his gaze on him while he had spoken.

"Do you r-really mean that?" he asked, breath hitching.

"I swear!" asseverated Yugi as he held out his hand. "I love you so much, Até!"

"Oh, my Yugi..." Atem whispered, latching onto Yugi's hand and touching his brow to it as a new wave of tears engulfed him. "You've been so g-good to me, more than I deserve."

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