Back in the Groove of Things

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Friday, June 17, 2005...

Yugi was busy working on his online courses, when his phone vibrated. Upon seeing the caller ID, he promptly flipped it open.

"Hi, Grandpa. How's everything going?" Yugi asked.

"Everything's just fine, Yugi," answered Sugoroku. "How are you and Atem?"

"We're OK. Atem's making lunch right now," answered Yugi.

"You still have him cooking for you? You should take lessons from him," joked Sugoroku.

"He tried to teach me. It's hopeless," smiled Yugi.

"Ha ha! I see," laughed Sugoroku.

"Yugi, lunch!" Atem's voice called from the kitchen.

"Food's ready. Gotta go," Yugi said as he sat up.

"I hope to see you soon. I've missed our visits," said Sugoroku.

"Me too, Grandpa. We'll see you first thing when we get back. I love you," said Yugi.

"I love you too, Yugi," said Sugoroku warmly over the phone.

"Bye," said Yugi.

"Goodbye, Yugi," said Sugoroku before they hung up.

Atem dished the fresh caught shrimp and lobster tail up between him and Yugi before sinking gracefully onto his cushion.


"Sea food's so awesome. I just wanna live here so we can eat this and nothing else," Yugi announced as they ate.

"You would soon tire of an unvaried diet," advised Atem. "Besides, I've been thinking."

"Of what?" asked Yugi.

Atem took a deep breath and fixed Yugi with those hypnotic ruby eyes.

"Thanks to you and this quiet place, I feel more at peace now than I have in years," Atem began.

"Yeah! This place is too awesome!" cheered Yugi.

"Remember what I said about letting people finish their thoughts?" asked Atem with a smirk.

"Sorry," apologized Yugi with a dip of his head.

"I'm ready to go home if you are," Atem finished without preamble.

Yugi gasped at Atem's sudden statement. He wanted to leave, just like that?

"Already? Dontcha at least wanna stay the weekend?" he asked unhappily.

Atem shook his head gravely.

"The longer we remain here, the harder it will be for us to return," he explained his reasoning.

"Aw!" whined Yugi.

"Perhaps we can return next year," soothed Atem.

"Aw, OK..." Yugi hesitantly conceded.

"Thank you, habibi," murmured Atem.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll text Jou that we'll be ready to go tomorrow," sighed Yugi as he pulled out his phone to text Jou. "I just wish we could stay here forever."

"As do I, but we both have lives to return to," rumbled Atem. "Plus, I've no intention of hiding forever. Now that... everything is settled, I should transition back to campus and it would help me a great deal if you went with me."

"Alright, Até. I guess it's back to school," sighed Yugi with a smile.

"Mmmm. Perhaps we should bring a clam for the teacher, instead of an apple," chuckled Atem.

"Ha ha ha!" laughed Yugi in response.

That evening...

Feeling the ocean's misty breeze in his hair and tickling his skin with its dampness, Atem sat on a large rock by the seashore, watching the setting sun cast its brilliant incarnadine light onto the clouds, making them seem aflame. The rush of the water breaking on the rocks filled his ears. On his lap sat Yugi, large eyes also enjoying the spectacle.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Yugi and Atem packed their clothes into their backpacks and suitcases, then set about tidying up the house, sweeping, dusting, polishing and putting everything away, until at last, it was time for their departure.

"It was just a week, but it feels like we lived here a lot longer," said Yugi, suitcase in hand, backpack on his shoulders.

"A lifetime," rumbled Atem as he shouldered his backpack.

The tricolors stepped out onto the wooden patio and into their waiting sandals.

"Yeah. I hope we can come back here someday," murmured Yugi with a fond glance toward the seashore.

"We will, habibi," promised Atem as he held up the house key.

With one last look around the small wooden house that had been the birthplace of their true happiness, Yugi and Atem shut and locked the door, leaving the little beach house to its memories.

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