Seaside Sanctuary

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The drive to the beach house was a pleasant, uneventful affair as Jou's red convertible made good time over the coastal highway. While Mai and Shizuka sat in front, navigating their journey for Jou, Yugi was finally able to relax and marvel at the spectacle that was the Pacific Ocean, with the sun's light glinting off its lapping waves and vault of blue seeming to go on forever.

Yugi looked over at Atem and smiled fondly at the sleeping beauty next to him.

"Wake up, Até! We're here!" Yugi announced, gently shaking Atem's shoulder.

Atem's face scrunched up and heavy eyelids cracked open to reveal sleep fogged rose petal irises that looked about without focus before closing again as the Egyptian slipped back into the depths of sleep.

"I still can't wake him up," sighed Yugi.

"He's in a healing sleep right now, Yugi. Once he's recovered sufficiently, he'll wake up of his own accord," explained Mai, laying a reassuring hand briefly on Yugi's shoulder. "Jou!"

"No prol'm," replied Jou, reaching down and lifting Atem into his arms with practiced ease.

In the safety of Jou's arms, Atem sighed and shifted, but showed no signs of awakening. With a fond smile at the Egyptian, Yugi followed the others toward the beach house, where Mai was already pulling out her key.

When they rounded the small hill, which cut the property off from the road, Yugi and Jou's faces lit at the sight: a huge sandy beach with the rolling blue tide swishing in and out like clockwork. Aside from the sounds of the wind and water, the only thing to be heard was the squawking of gulls as they wheeled about overhead, commenting on the arrival of the five young people below.

"Sunuvabitch!" commented Jou. "Mai, ya gotta bring me here one a dese days!"

"We'll come here next summer," promised Mai as she put the key into the keyhole.

"Dat'd be cool," grinned Jou.

Mai turned the key and pushed the door open, revealing a large, clean interior, made entirely of wood. On the smooth, polished floor a luxurious Hokkaido black bear rug lay spread out before a large fireplace, which was already furnished with wood. These were surrounded by a couch and glass coffee table.

On the walls hung several beautiful pictures of natural landscapes. Also, there were large windows, which looked out upon the beach from all directions, seeming to draw the rolling blue ocean into the house.

After removing their shoes, the quartet crossed the house into one of the two bedrooms, in which reposed a substantial bed with a thick, soft mattress upon which to rest. It was upon this that Jou gently set the sleeping Atem before Mai stepped in and gently removed Atem's pants, then tucked him under the blanket so he could sleep more comfortably.

"Thanks," Yugi said in a dropped voice as he and Jou exited the room to join Shizuka, who was fiddling with what appeared to be a small black box on a table beside the couch.

"No prob," said Jou. "Yer gonna have a blast here."

"That's an understatement. I just turned on the wireless router for you guys," replied Shizuka, handing Yugi a paper with a password scribbled on it. "Enjoy!"

"Oh, yeah! I forgot all about that! Thanks!" said Yugi with a grin. "Good thing I brought my laptop. We can do our classes from here."

"Sounds like a plan," agreed Jou.

"I've stocked the fridge with fresh food to last you guys for the week. The store's one mile north on the right side of the road; you can't miss it. If there are any problems, you just text me and I'll be out in a hot minute," instructed Mai as she reached into her pocket. "Here's a refill of Atem's sleeping pills."

"Mai-sensei, would you leave those in Atem's room with him?" Yugi asked quickly.

Mai opened her mouth to object.

"When he found out you gave me the first bottle instead of him, he wasn't too happy about it, to put it mildly. I promise to keep a sharp eye on him," Yugi continued.

Mai looked into Yugi's eyes, which shone with conviction, and the determined set of his jaw, before sighing in surrender and stepping into the room to deposit the pills.

When Mai exited the room, it was time for her and Shizuka to get back to the clinic.

"Thanks for everything, guys. I really appreciate it. I'll text you all regularly and tell you how we're doing," Yugi promised with a bow from the waist.

"Remember to let Atem direct everything. He is in control of his healing process. Your role is to facilitate it for him," Mai advised.

"Yes, ma'am," said Yugi with a small smile.

"Good luck, guys," smiled Shizuka gently.

"Thanks, Shizuka," said Yugi gratefully.

"Text me t'night, Yuge. I got some great memes t' sendja," grinned Jou.

"Will do," promised Yugi.


Yugi stood in the driveway, watching as Jou started the car and pulled out, everyone waving goodbye. As soon as the car disappeared around the small hill, Yugi went back inside and returned to the room to check on his sleeping Egyptian. Atem lay as Jou had deposited him, completely oblivious to everything around him. With slow, gentle movements, Yugi stroked long blond bangs from the swarthy brow.

Atem's face wrinkled a bit before relaxing as he leaned into the touch. Yugi couldn't help but smile sadly at this small return of affection.

'You'll be OK, Até. I'll help you get through this,' he thought as he continued to slowly stroke the long blond bangs.

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