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Kame Game Shop

"That should do it," chirped Yugi as he stood up from plugging the wireless router in. "Would you do the honors, Até?"

"It would be my pleasure," smiled Atem as he flipped the switch on the power strip.

The router's LEDs flickered as it booted, then turned green to show that it was now online.

"Let's go check our computers! If they're OK, let's frag!" suggested Yugi.

"Fragalicious," replied Atem as he and Yugi retreated to their rooms.

On their new highspeed LAN, a bronze pharaoh and a purple clothed mage traded frags back and forth, each winning a few maps with his weapon of choice.

Yugi laid his head against Atem's chest, closing his eyes and listening to the strong, steady heartbeat. He sighed in contentment when he felt Atem's hands gently rubbing up and down his back.

Smirking to himself, Yugi squeezed and rolled a dusky nipple between his thumb and forefinger, listening as a sharp breath was sucked in between clenched teeth.

"Gently, Yugi," Atem instructed tersely.

The edge in Atem's voice made Yugi look up into a pair of serious crimsons.

"He used to enjoy pinching my nipples till they bruised," Atem explained.

"Sorry!" yelped Yugi, quickly ceasing the pinching and beginning to gently roll the nipples under his fingers and palms instead.

"Mmmmm. Now that you may do," Atem sighed, letting his head drop back against the wall in contentment.

Left hand rubbing Atem's right nipple, Yugi lowered his head to gently suckle and worry Atem's left nipple with his lips and tongue, thus leaving his right hand free to trail slowly down Atem's tummy until he came to that sensitive, engorged organ and wrapped his fingers around it to give a goodly stroke.

"Aaaaaannnnhhhh!!!" Atem groaned, back arching almost up out of the water.

Between Yugi's lips and hands, poor Atem was rapidly coming undone, head turning from side to side as he groaned and cried out nonsense.

Yugi's mouth and hand gently worshiped those perky little nipples while his left hand smoothly and efficiently stroked Atem to the edge.

"Aaaah aaaaaaah Yuuuugiiii!!! Aaaaaahhhh!!!" Atem cried, back arching under Yugi's ministrations.

Yugi gave a final deep suck of the nipple while giving a goodly stroke on the organ, feeling Atem explode under him as a white rope spurted from his tip.

"Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Yuuuuuugiiiii!!!" Atem cried as he felt his core explode deep within him.

The spasms and convulsions lasted for several seconds even after the last of the white release had dripped from Atem's head. Finally, the sated and exhausted Egyptian sank back down into the warm water, deadweight arms reaching up for and pulling the smaller man onto his chest.

Atem had just enough strength to thank Yugi with a warm kiss before letting his eyelids fall shut and drift off, trusting Yugi to keep him from sinking in the tub.

Saturday, December 10, 2005


"Oooph!" said Yugi as he caught a mouthful of snow.

Turning around, he saw Atem, clad in a black pea coat and crimson scarf that matched his eyes oh so prettily, grinning wickedly at him, already crunching yet another snowball in his gloved hands.

Wasting no time, Yugi scraped some snow into his hands and formed it into a ball. He finished just in time to dodge yet another ball and chuck his at Atem, who took it in the chest.

"Good throw, habibi!" Atem called as he bent down to gather more snow.

Yugi followed suit and the two released their projectiles simultaneously, the balls whizzing past each other and hitting both guys in the face.

Laughing and talking, the tricolors entered the game shop, cheeks flushed and eyes glowing from their outdoor activities. After stepping out of their boots, they hung up their coats on the rack.

"Shall I make us some hot cocoa?" Atem offered.

"Yeah!" cheered Yugi, pumping his fist at the offer.

With a nod, Atem went over to the fridge and opened it to procure the ingredients, only for his eyes to fall on the plastic bag with the soil in it. Was that a tiny bit of green poking out? After quickly putting aside the hot cocoa stuff, Atem pulled out the bag, opened it up and gently pulled out the acorn. Surely enough, it had rooted!

"Yugi, please fetch me a flower pot right away!" Atem cried in excitement.

The excitement in Atem's voice was enough to forestall any arguments about cocoa that might have made it to Yugi's lips, as Atem never got excited like this for no reason. Yugi jumped up and ran off to find a flower pot.

When he returned, Yugi handed Atem the pot and watched as Atem carefully transferred the contents of the bag to the pot, including the small brown thing with the green tendril protruding from it.

"What is that anyway?" Yugi asked.

"This," smiled Atem, "is an oak tree seedling. I liberated an acorn from our old oak in October and have been waiting for this little one to germinate ever since."

"Até," breathed Yugi.

"Yugi, would you help me tend this seedling until it's big enough to plant in spring?" Atem asked gravely.

Eyes shining, Yugi could only nod.

"You'll have to tell me what to do," he admitted.

"Would you fetch some water?" asked Atem.

With a nod, Yugi went and poured some water into a cup and returned with it.

"Gently pour the water in," Atem instructed. "Don't stop until you see it accumulating in the saucer."

Yugi poured the water as Atem instructed, until it began to seep out of the hole at the bottom of the pot into the saucer. Atem then put the small tree in a southern window so it could get ample sunlight.

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