Happy Birthday, Atem

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Tuesday, July 26, 2005

As the sun's light poured into the room through the eastern window, a beautiful bronze figure stood in its path, allowing the light to seep into every inch of skin, eyes closed, head thrown back.

It had been years since Atem Ishtar had been able to greet Ra in this way. Now, free of his torment and surrounded by happiness and safety, he worshiped the sun god of his clan, basking in the white light's soothing embrace.

Still snuggled in their now shared bed, Yugi blinked his eyes in annoyance at the sun's intruding rays... only to be struck dumb by the vision of divine beauty before him: a naked desert god bathed in the sun's white light, head thrown back as in ecstasy.

'Wow!' was the only thought Yugi could articulate.

"Good morning, Yugi," Atem's deep voice rumbled as the living god turned to face him, irises colored a deep ruby.

"Uh... hi..." returned Yugi, still staring in unmitigated awe at the vision of perfection before him.

"Did you sleep well?" Atem asked as he came forward and sat on the bed's edge, taking Yugi's hands in his.

"Uh... yeah..." Yugi answered breathlessly. "You?"

"Like a baby," Atem smiled softly at Yugi.

The scent of sandalwood and incense hit Yugi boldly as Atem leaned in, touching their brows together while gifting Yugi with a smile that catapulted the smaller tricolor into the seventh heaven. When Atem's tongue begged entrance, Yugi parted his lips, allowing their tongues to dance and play, teeth sliding together as they leaned into each other. By the time they pulled apart, Yugi's heart was racing and he felt warm and tingly all over.

"Get dressed and I'll make breakfast," Atem said softly.

"It's your birthday. We could all go out and I could..." Yugi protested feebly, only to be silenced by Atem's forefinger on his lips.

"I enjoy cooking," Atem reminded him. "Hurry..."

Yugi could only nod and watch as Atem rose gracefully and retrieved shorts and t-shirt, for late July was much too hot for leather. With a final smile Yugi-ward, Atem strode from the room and made his way downstairs to start breakfast before a certain golden retriever woke up and went in search of his matutinal repast.

After getting his heart rate and breathing under control, Yugi rolled out of bed and ran into the bathroom for a short, icy cold shower, before ducking into his room to dress for the day. Clad in shorts and a tank top, he ran down the hallway, just as the scent of something salty and meaty being fried hit his nostrils.

'USA style breakfast!' Yugi thought happily.

Just then, the door to Jounouchi's room opened and out stepped the blond, his sensitive nose evidently having picked up on the scent too. Yugi and Jou looked at each other and grinned widely.

"BACON!" they cheered happily.

The two friends flew downstairs, now with Yugi in the lead, now with Jou in the lead. As the bacon scent became ever more powerful, the two started groping and tugging at each other in a bid to reach the dining room first.

The sounds of scuffling and footsteps filling his ears, Atem set everything on the table and stepped out to greet his two friends in the doorway. Then they were there, almost ready to bowl him over to get to the bacon. Two hands were held up and a glare leveled. Two racing roommates stopped dead in their tracks.

"Do I need to send you two back upstairs and have you walk down?" Atem growled at Yugi and Jou, albeit with a twinkle in his eye.

The roommates hung their heads.


"Alright. Let's eat," said Atem more gently. "I made plenty of bacon for the three of us, so there's no need to kill each other."


The bank...

Atem, Yugi and Jou sat in rigid anticipation as Akhnadin's accountant looked the papers over. Akhnadin had been confirmed as deceased by one Kujaku Mai-sensei and as of today, Atem Ishtar was of age to claim his inheritance.

"Congratulations, Ishutaru-san. Here's your paperwork for the transfer of the account. If you'll just sign here, here and here and initial in these boxes, you'll be all set," said the accountant as he handed Atem the paperwork.

With a stiff nod, Atem put pen to paper, signing and initialling where he must.

During the entire procedure, Yugi and Jou kept a sharp eye on the Egyptian. Although Atem had made great strides, anything remotely to do with Akhnadin made him stiffen up and withdraw, not only for its duration, but also for a while after. They had agreed beforehand that if it seemed like Atem was making ready to leap over the desk and throttle the accountant, Jou would have to restrain him, knocking him out if need be, and get him out of there before any bodily harm could occur.

'I just wish it didn't have to be right on his birthday. People deserve to be happy on their birthdays, especially their coming of age,' Yugi thought as he wrung his shirt in his hands unhappily. 'Well, once it's over, we'll take him out to do whatever he wants. That'll make him feel better.'

"Thank you for your business today, Ishutaru-san. If I may offer my services..." the accountant began.

"Are we through here?" Atem bit out, narrowed eyes warning away any preamble on the accountant's part.

"Yes, sir," said the accountant with a gulp.

Gathering up the folder of documents, Atem turned on his heel and strode from the office, Yugi and Jou quickly following him. As Atem strode forward, Yugi and Jou saw the gradual change in his demeanor. The tension drained from his shoulders, to be replaced by the customary strength. His head went up and by the time they reached the door, Atem was no longer walking in anger, but in pride.

Behind him followed Yugi and Jou, both gazing in admiration at the regal demeanor their friend bore, as if taking control of the estate had completed something that had been missing in him, perhaps giving him a much needed sense of power in his own life? Even as a psychology student, Yugi could only guess. But whatever it was, the transformation was something wonderful to behold.

Stopping ahead of them, Atem looked over his shoulder at his friends and smiled at them.

"Stop walking behind me like that! You're my friends, not my servants," he gently reprimanded the other two.

"Sorry!" yelped Yugi, running to catch up.

"So Mistah Moneybags, how's it feel t' be rich?" asked Jou bluntly.

"Jou..." ground out Yugi.

But Atem merely smiled serenely at the blond.

"I don't know what it's like to be rich because I'm as of yet unused to it. Could we please keep this among the three of us for the time being?" he asked the other two.

"Abso-fuckin'-lutely," answered Jou. "If ya buy me a new cah!"


"Really, Jou?" glowered Yugi.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Atem threw his head back and laughed at his two friends. "On a more serious note, I need some suggestions. I've more money now than I know what to do with. What should I spend it on?"

"A gamin' rig!" Jou piped up suddenly.

"Oh, yeah! If you had your own computer, the three of us could play each other over the LAN!" chirped Yugi.

"Fragalicious," grinned Jou.

Atem deliberated a moment, then raised twinkling irises to his friends.

"Please, take me to the nearest computer shop," he requested.

"We're dere, dude," grinned Jou.

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