Goodbye Tracy Beaker 💔

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I had to admit seeing Gus coming out the bathroom covered in foam would normally make me chuckle but today I felt sorry for the poor lad I turned to Kitty

'let's get you outside yeah?' I say to her feeling her shaking

I gently touch her shoulder to soothe her

Big mistake.

She lashes out and I feel myself losing balance trying to grab the top of the stairwell I miss as I fall down letting out a scream I tumble down the stairs over and over for what felt like forever ripping down the curtain which rolled round me the only thing comforting me at this point

'Back! back!!' Mike shouts running downstairs to my aid I try to open my eyes but I can't I've lost consciousness


'Tracy?' I say gently moving the hair out her face

'Tracy?' Mike repeats slightly more worried

The kids crane round to see 'the ambulance is on its way' Gina says 'Tracy!' Mike exclaims near tears


I slowly open my eyes the light fades and I'm back where I was

'mike' I whisper he takes my hand I feel him shaking

'Tracy your gonna be okay you've just had a fall okay?'

I notice he doesn't use the word accident and that's because this was no accident Kitty knew a shove like that and me being so close to the edge of the stairs would push me quite literally over the edge

'how did this happen?' Mike asks

'it was kitty I wanted to take her somewhere quiet and she..' I whisper

'what have I told you don't get involved with that girl and did you listen!' Dennis demands

'not now!' Mike says what I was thinking just a tad politer I can feel myself losing consciousness again

'mike' I say scared..I didn't wanna die

'it's going to be okay' he says to me but this doesn't soothe me

'I love you so much mike thank you for being the best father figure in my life' i whisper as I close my eyes for the final time


'I love you too tracy you've always been like a daughter to me' i say smiling

'mike' Carmen says noticing her eyes have closed again I check her pulse

'nothing' I whisper as the paramedics come in picking Tracy up leaving the red pool of blood where her head was staining on the floor which scares the kids and starts them panicking

'I'll keep you posted' Gina says giving me a hug as they carry Tracy away to the ambulance the kids follow on

'we love you Tracy!' The old ones shout the new ones don't bother because they feel this is their fault meanwhile the kids just hope she heard them as Carmen goes inside she rings Lily

'Lily it's me' she says

'alright Carm what's up?' Lily says

'Tracy's in hospital we all need you right now' Carmen says near breaking down

'okay I'm coming I'm coming calm down okay everything's gonna be fine she's a fighter ain't she' Lily says Carmen nods and hangs up walking over to me while I'm watching practically my daughter be driven away hurt

'I'm sure she'll be fine' Carmen says giving me a hug as she goes back inside

I'm so close to breaking down as I go upstairs I see Kitty and try my hardest not to see red..she's just a little girl who's been hurt badly

Goodbye...Tracy Beaker  Where stories live. Discover now