The Aftermath 😓

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'I've got to ring Cam' I say to myself realising her reaction I pick up the phone and punch in the numbers trembling

'hey mike what's up' Cam says

'cam can you come to the dumping ground now please like right now' I say to her my voice shaking

'is everything okay? How's Tracy she hasn't come home yet I said we could go out for lunch together' she says

'I'll see you in ten?' I say hanging up on her I didn't mean to be rude as I go up to my room I can hear all the kids they're crying and I can hear photos rustling I've got to go to them and explain.

First door I open to see a sobbing Lily holding tee and Carmen who are all trying not to cry they're looking through photos of Tracy

'hey guys' I say desperate to lighten the mood a little

'mike it can't be true can it? Maybe the doctors made a mistake' Lily says through her sobs

'I'm sorry I don't want it to be true as much as you but she hit her head hard on at least 5 of the stairs which caused the bleeding in her brain' I say knowing they would understand they had too

'we need to keep strong Tracy wouldn't want us to cry' Carmen says taking the girls hands they stand up and walk out

'have fun Tracy wouldn't want you to be sad' i say knowing exactly where they were going as I head into gus's room he's writing in his notebooks so I leave him be knowing he's upset

'it's okay to be sad gus' I say leaving the door open and walking to sapphires room she's got Harry in her arms and stroking his hair trying to explain to him that Tracy won't be coming back

'come here little man' I say taking him off Saph

'go on I know your upset' I say to her she leaves to go to the garden

'listen Harry you know when your older your gonna go live with Jeff in the forest' I say it's not fair to tell him the brutal truth

'yeah and Jeff and I are gonna make so many new friends' he says with a smile that makes my heart ache

'well um you know what's happened to Tracy?' I say trying to break it to him gently

'when is she coming home I made her this get well soon card' Harry says passing me a card of a giraffe on the front and Tracy in the forest

'aww she's gonna love it' I say

'well um you know that giraffes are really tall? Well when you go live with Jeff in the jungle you'll be able to see her if you look up to the sky she'll be so proud of you' I say my voice breaking as I leave the room

'mike' Harry says

'yes harry' I say he's figured it out I know it as Saph comes back in with tear stained eyes

'did you tell him?' She says

'I tried too' i say walking out

'sapphire will you come and live with me and Jeff Tracy will be there in the sky' he says Saph smiles a sympathetic smile at me and I nod moving onto the next room Elektra not much point she'll only crack some jokes I walk past and go to Liam's room he's in there with frank

'you lads alright?' I say

'fine why? Oh yeah about Tracy that sucks mike but' Liam says but I won't let him finish

'come here' I say giving him a tight hug

'I thought I'd finally met someone who got me' he says to me and I nod because that's what Tracy did best she was relatable she knew what you were going through before you did and always had a Tracy plan to fix it which irritatingly worked out in the end I walk out of Liam's room and go to Johnny's

'hey' I say to him noticing his anger has risen

'she's gone hasn't She' he says to me

'I'll never be able to take back what I said' he says to me

'we all say things in the heat of the moment that we don't mean but what's important is that you apologised and made up with her because there was many times she came into the office upset over you johnny' I say


Tracy walks into the office in a state 'Tracy what's wrong?' Mike says to her

'it's Johnny I may aswell just leave for good like he said I'm just a stupid idiot who won't ever be good at anything' she says near tears Mike walks over to her giving her a hug

'you are NOT,okay! Why did he say this' mike says

'because he's right and I may aswell just leave' Tracy says picking up her bag and jacket leaving the office


'I know and I'm sorry I'm really sorry' Johnny says i give him a hug

'it's okay she always knew you meant the apology' to say knew and not knows was the worst pain ever I have to leave the room Gina approaches me but I'm just not in the mood.

I go up to Tracy's room locking the door behind me everything's just as it was,an absolute mess,half drunk glasses,posters everywhere makeup set up everywhere wardrobe door flung open I sit on her bed the whole room smells of her perfume so bubbly and full of life

I look at her makeup and necklaces she was a simple girl yet so feisty and full of life love and laughter I cant handle it anymore as I get a knock on the front door I open it

'Cam?' I say

'where's Tracy?' She says to me letting herself in

'cam..I've got some news..' I say unable to finish it it just doesn't sound right

'what?' She says noting my facial expression the blood had drained from my face the moment I saw her fall down the stairs

'Tracy had a fall one of the kids pushed her down the stairs' I say

'what! Who? And more importantly why?' She says

'she...she didn't make it Cam I'm so sorry' I say to her

'It will be a mistake she's at the hospital and she'll be relieved to see us both' Cam says barely breathing as we get into Cams car driving to the hospital we get there pretty quick but the journey was silent we go inside and cam asks about Tracy they check their records and shake their heads

'I'm so sorry' the nurse says


'I'm so sorry' she says and my whole world crushes down around me how could this happen!!

Mike goes to give me a hug and comfort me but I run out desperate to get some sort of air..I couldn't breathe she was gone...

Tracy's gone.

Goodbye...Tracy Beaker  Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz