Chapter 2

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In the third year I met Mr. Morris . He was the first big disaster of my life !
He was one of our fine arts teachers . If you remember I already mentioned that the senior students mostly had all the power at school . Teachers were there , juniors did go to them complaining . But they simply shrugged it off saying ,'Oh it's just a matter of a year or two and they will be gone .' Something like Mr, Porter had told Hannah Baker in 13 Reasons Why .
Mr. Morris was exceptionally kind to the students especially me . When I say 'kind' , I don't really mean that he would go starting a World War just for my sake but he would at least listen what I had got to say.  Poke in with some condolence here and there and encourage me to fight back . In his office I could sit comfortably for hours bitching about random teachers , bossy seniors and classmates who would very obediently work for them . At that point of time I thought there couldn't be anyone kinder than him . I could sit in his office bunking classes of teachers who did cross me . He would often give me a glass of cold water or cold drink to calm me down when I got too excited during my recitation . He even sometimes fed me with burgers and pizzas . Sounds very fun right ? How you wish you did had a teacher like him in your school . I'm glad you don't .
His office was a pretty small one . A wooden door led one into it and to its opposite just one glass window . There were bookshelves in one corner and a table in the middle on which stood two penstands loaded with stationery and a few files . We both sat on the opposite side of the table . There was a bunk in yet another corner.  I always wondered what he did there . Did he not go home ever and simply sleep on it or sonething ? But that was until rhat day .....
I wish I did paid more attention to realise that even sweet fruits rot with time .
It was just like any other day . I went into his office . He was shuffling through a thick blue file .
"Mr . Morris ?", I called .
He looked up , "Oh Perrie , come right in . Take a seat . "
Aa soon as I was seated he asked me why I seemed nervous . I said I was bunking an extra class , "....which I think I should be attending but you see , I just can't tolerate Mrs. Megan . I wanted to simply walk out of the premises but I thought it better to stay . "
"Oh very well . Good that you came here ."
" Why sir ? "
" Oh well I have become so used to your company , it feels odd in your absence .", he replied with a snigger but no joke it was wish I'd known. 
"You don't know how much I owe you . You've given me a lot of support . If feels good when you have somebody to talk to in midst of this  bunch of wolves we've in the school ." 
"We can start back bitiching about them right away . Wanna have a drink first . I'm dying from thirst . "
If he did precised on the word 'thirst' ....
"Yeah sure ."
Just like other days he offered a cold drink can and I took it . Well no , I had every reason to suspect . He generally offered sealed cans but today it was unsealed . When or how he unsealed I did not care to bother .
I started drinking it very swiftly because even I was thirsty running around the whole school searching for a suitable place to hide until I decided on the worst one . I did not notice that Mr. Morris never took a drink at all .
Definitely he had put some drug in the drink . I just couldn't drink the whole thing . [Thank God I didn't]
I think I started to feel a bit dizzy and I was just deciding to shrug off the feeling when my head started paining like hell ! I was only pressing my forehead with the left hand when , "Anything wrong Perrie ?"
"Nothing sir . Just got a bit headache out here . "
Slowly my hands were starting to feel numb . I couldn't understand what was happening . I simply stared at my hand . It felt numb and cold .
"I think I could help you there . Wait , I'll massage your forehead ."
"Oh I could do that myself sir . You neednot trouble yourself . "
But he was already up and coming . The moment he touched my forehead , I felt uncomfortable .
"Oh sir you need not trouble yourself . " , I repeated and refused any more massage but he wouldn't listen . That's when it got worse . He forced me to get up from the chair and lie on the bunk . He said I would feel better . He just wouldn't listen to a 'no' . Its only when I got up I realised how numb I was . My legs just wouldn't support me . Very carefully and slowly with Mr.Morris supporting my right arm , I reached the bunk but I hadn't laid yet . Dark ventures need strategy and he had it .
Half the school building was empty . There were only a few teachers and some of the classes occupied by the students who took extra classes .
Mr. Morris walked up to the only door in the room and locked it from inside .
" What are you doing sir?", that's when I realised even my voice was fading .
"Why do you worry Perrie , just lay down . "
I was starting to feel really nervous now . What was happening to me? Why was Mr.Morris acting weird ? He smiled but today's was not like every day's one . Today it conveyed evil intentions . Had he given me poison?  Was I dying ? What the f**k was going on !
He still stood by the door . Was he waiting for my last breath ?
"Mr. Morris what's going on ? Why did you lock the door ? "
I did stand up but couldn't keep that way from long as my legs were cold and shaking .
" You'll know very soon . ", and he proceeded towards me to start his - well I can't be sure what he'd intended- molestation or rape .
I was just to weak to move an inch , forget running . It was all coming to me now in those few seconds . He had mixed something in my drink that was draining all the strength out of me .
"Please don't....", I could hardly speak now . He pinned me to the wall and  reached for my shirt . I gathered all my leftover power and pushed him away . I got up and tried to reach the window but stumbled in the process . I was half crying and trying my best to shout but my voice had given up . Mr . Morris dragged me by my legs and turned my numb body around . He had started to unbutton my shirt . I felt so desperately helpless . I just couldn't think of anything when those penstands on the table struck me .
Once again I gathered all the strength I had and reached for one of them . I took one and threw it towards the  window . It hit it and the glass shattered .
"Holy sh*t ! You nasty git !", he certainly wasn't ready for this . He knew he had less time so he hurried . By now my shirt flew open on both sides . His hands were already feeling my body and he reached for my bra . I really had no other choice . I picked up the other penstand and hit him straight . Guess some sharp object hit his eye . He fell back with a painful cry.  That's when I noticed a large piece of glass of the window that had fallen inside . I reached for it and I had to do this and I did . I stabbed him with it . He gave a sharp cry of pain ....and then I passed out .
Next I found myself in the hospital . My hand had stitches were the sharp glass had cut in .Mr. Morris had definitely lived . After all my blow wasn't powerful enough to kill but he  had been arrested .
All this wasn't enough to break me down . The principal hurled allegations on me saying that I had purposely taken a drug that drove me crazy and I stabbed Mr. Morris . She just wouldn't take the truth but police had enough evidence to believe my side of the story . In respond I was suspended temporarily though I had to go back to Middleton , It was too much of an insult for me ...

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