Chapter 3

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There was a bombardment of events rather a shower of shocks in the last year of school in my life . So I will break the year into multiple parts for you to understand it better .
It started horribly with all that Mr.Morris business causing rumours . Papa supported me a lot during this time . He was strongly against me going back to Middleton after such unfair accusations hurled on me but it was just one more year of school . Moreover the idea of getting into a new school and having to start all over again with new people around did not really appeal to me then . I don't know whether to say if it was any good for me . At that time I thought it was worst for me both ways . So you see I stayed but as expected the school had turned even more hostile on me . Half the people did not know me at all and those who did , did not care about my existance . Everyone loved Mr. Morris . They just wouldn't see the rotten core of the bright red apple !
But one thing had certainly changed . If you can call that a good thing -now I was a senior . There was no reason why I should be compelled to tolerate a 'puppet show' . But there was someone who did attempt yet another puppet show . To this day I don't know who it was . I never met this person . He /she waa kind of what you could call an 'online bully' . This happened in the very first month of the fourth year .
It started with a friendly 'Hi' text from an online profile on Facebook . I generally don't reply to unknown texts so I simply ignored it . A few days came a 'Why you not replying? '
I still did not answer .
Then came a 'I am waiting for your reply .' I yet did not bother . Then started the threats . -'You better reply !'
'Why is this person so eager talk?' , I checked the profile from where I was receiving these texts . It said 'Swàğ'. There was just one picture of a cute dog with yellowish fur looking into the camera with its tongue hanging out . This swag person was not even on my friend list . How on earth he/she found me , I've no idea .
I simply texted back , 'You better stop!'
A few days later , that was around a week into the fourth year at school Elina Eliot came into my life . Elina was a lovely charming girl who had moved in very recently into Middleton . Well we could talk about her later . Let's get back to the 'online bully' for now . We will come back to her . I promise .
'You will pay for this !' , one fine day it came . What was 'this'? Was not replying some creepy jerk who was threatening me online for no reason at all my fault . Would you do it if you were in my place?
"I think you should tell your dad ...or perhaps go to the principal . It maybe some stupid prank played by some student at school .", Elina suggested .
"There's more than enough papa has to worry about . Not giving him anymore trouble . "
Principal was out of question . She was sitting in her office like a hungry wolf ready to pounce on me any moment . Unfortunately for her , the authorities wouldn't let her because they had enough proof against Mr. Morris, a teacher she employed . She just needed a chance and she would cook up a cock-and-bull story and get me into trouble . I just couldn't afford that .
Threats mounted in my inbox . I decided to ignore them until one day it came 'I'm coming for you' . Below it a picture which seemed like a scene clicked from inside a moving car . I didn't know what to do but Elina advised that I don't reply and I complied . The next day once again ' Beware . I'm really coming.' This time there was no picture. Then I thought it was just a joke until the very next day 'I'm nearly there ' with that there was a picture of Middleton High school . I really did not know what to do . Papa was out for a week on some business trip . Here at home somebody was playing a terrible joke on me . I never had a lovely mama to run to during these times . Mine one was simply dead when I was three .
Elina wanted to help but this was a different kind of threat altogether . None of us knew how to deal with it . By the time I received 'I'm nearly there' and a picture of my house , I was freaking out.
You probably thought why I never blocked this person . Well , I did . Guess I was a little late . But that's when the disaster came .
The day i blocked this peraon , very next day my Facebook account was hacked and my profile picture was exchanged for a very inappropriate picture . I say 'inappropruate' because it was not where it belonged . It was not my picture hence it was not supposed to be my profile picture .
Remember Justin Foley from '13 reasons why' who leaked an embarrassing picture of Hannah Baker which he was not even supposed to click . And it served as a very merry source of entertainment to the rest of the school . At least Hannah knew it was Justin and it was a her picture .
In my case there was a picture of some random girl I'll never know . Neither did I know the 'Justin Foley' of my life .
The picture showed a girl lying on her back on a bed , half naked reading a book . I concluded from the background that it was not my room . How would it be anyway ?
I was devastated ! That picture had been on my wall for 15 fu*king hours ! There were 60 reacts on it and 30 comments . Heaven knows how many other people so it who probably simply ignored it . Never had any picture on my wall attracted so much attention . The one time it did , my life was ruined .
I definitely deleted the picture but the damage had been done . After all 15 hours is a long time.
I did write a post on my wall immediately explaining the account had been hacked and the picture wasn't mine and all that but how many would believe me ? Majority wouldn't , I knew it .
Next day at school I got such awdward glances from random people . I thought I did burst any moment but again there was Elina . That one person who supported me through everything .
I remember crying so hard that night . My eyes looked like they had been burnt !
From then on I think I started drinking a little more than I did decided to when papa called me to his study 2 years back but obviously I didn't speak about it to anyone .
There is one last thing that I think needs mentioning before I move on to my next 'reason' . I said there were 60 reacts on that picture . Brian Dekins was one of them . He had put a love react . When I deleted it and wrote on my wall explaining it was a misunderstanding . He had immediately commented saying 'It's okay . 'We understand' and then a smiling emoji and a thumbs up . Probably he was right except the part that he understood , others didn't. They did not want to .

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