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When high school ended , I realised it's high time I find a way to earn my living . By now I was nearly out of any money . I was already selling off furnitures and stuff to make up for increasing bills . I made it a point to get rid of papa's belongings especially his couch . That sofa held my drunk memories I wanted to get rid of it urgently . I wanted to kick out all of papa's memories from my life forever . By now I was kind of over the shock and had started to accept things for the way they were but how could I deny the fact that I was living in his house and that he had given shelter to my broke mother who was a homeless widow with a baby daughter. To this day I believe he loved her . No matter how ruthless a criminal he was ! He manipulated me no doubt but he had a soft corner for mom . Let's just get over him !
And to get over him I decided to move out . I had had enough in town . Just as I said my step father was rich, very rich . He could offer financial help . I used his money -the fixed deposit I had kept aside . I went where I had always wanted to be - Toronto .
It wasn't easy -especially with Brian holding me back . He wasn't really 'holding me back' but we were in a relationship . I was committed to him .
I told him I wanted to start my life afresh . I'd offered for him to come along but obviously he couldn't . What was I even thinking!

I never saw Brian Dekins after that . He'd promised he would visit me in Toronto whenever he got a break from college but he hasn't managed it as of now . We didn't 'break off' as I'd said but we haven't talked ever since I left town . The only communication we've is by email . Read along if you wanna know why .

As I've mentioned earlier I do not go to college . I've had enough with social life . I decided I've enough education to do what I always wanted to . And if you want to know what I do if I don't really go to college which I'm probably supposed to , I'm a songwriter and if you are reading this, you will know I'm an author too . Very much 'legal' ! At first I'd given a thought to business -obviously 'legal' business but there was much to learn . I found it easier to follow my heart . I started writting . I told you I was a dangerous bookworm ! You name a book and I've read it ! I definitely have preferences but I read a lot . Hence I was of the idea that somehow I would manage to write interesting content and hope that people would find it worth a read . I knew it would take time to actually gain ground as a writer after all there's a lot more to writting if you want to earn a living from it then just going on scribbling page after page .
It was hard at first you know , with increasing debts and all the writing . My first book was basically a crime fiction ( what else do you expect from a criminal's daughter !) And one of my biggest problem was that I kept editing the script . I couldn't completely concentrate on it as I had other matters to reckon with but trust me I tried my best . I stayed up innumerable nights trying to make my script look perfect . Brian read every chapter and helped me with the vocabulary (by email ).
I will take a minute to talk about Elina Eliot . One of the major reasons I had decided to shift to the US was getting closer to Elina . I kept trying to contact her without any success .
I'd thought I would pay a visit to her in California as soon as I'm settled here but I reckon I can't afford it as of now . Its not even been a year I've come to Toronto . I need time .
But now I can say 'I'm happy .' I'm doing what I've always wanted to . I'm staying at Toronto where I had always wanted to be . You want to know why I like this place ? Well , this was my mom's birthplace . Yes , she was an American . I got the love of my life . He is somewhat committed . I can't expect him to be absolutely into me . He has his own life to lead . You may say I would never know if he was cheating on me . We don't talk but I never really suspected him . I've nothing to say in his for expect that Brian is just not that kind of a guy . I know him for a long time . As for Elina , I had promised myself that I would find her at any cost ! No success until now but I'll take my time . Just as I'd said , in my life 'Elina was all about promises' .
Never heard of Perrie Bates ? Well , I write under a pen name -J. D. Clinton (Jennifer David Clinton ) .😄 Never heard that either . Well I'm not really kind of famous . I just earn enough to keep my bills paid . ❤😊

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