stay over

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     You're doubled over in a silent laughter at Sean's ridiculous joke. "For something as fucking horrible as that's pretty damn hilarious." you finally catch your breath, staring up at the ceiling because looking at Sean would result and more uncontrollable laughter. His hand rests on your knee as you look down at him, he puts a finger to his lips while still chuckling at his own dumbass joke. "I don't wanna wake your parents.." you roll your eyes, sitting up and grabbing your textbook. "They are the heaviest sleepers on the planet, the only way we could wake them up is to set off a bomb in the backyard, and even then they'd probably stay asleep." Sean snorts at your joke, grabbing his textbook and sitting next to you.

     Both your backs are leaning against the wall just above your bed, shoulders touching leaving almost no room for both of your open textbooks. "I can't keep this shit open, let's just share a book..they're the same.." he suggests. You shrug and go along with it, him closing his book and looking over your shoulder at yours. You catch his scent better in this position, and it makes you feel comfortable and safe. "What are you doin?" his voice fills your head as he notices your eyes closing. "Sorry..just daydreaming.." he smirks. "About what?.." you shrug, looking back down at the book. "About you..and how comfortable I am around you.."

     Your sincere words slap a blush right onto his face, making him smile sweetly and kiss your temple. "That's damn sweet I love you so much.." now it's your turn to blush like crazy. "Ah, this is headass.." you stroke his knuckles with your thumb as your head falls onto his shoulder. "Yeah I know..but damn we're cute so whatever.." you laugh lightly as he sighs, enjoying the feeling of your soft hand on his. He then looks over to check the time.

     "'s getting kinda late..I think I should get going.." you frown, gripping his hand tightly. "Why can't you just stay over?? Pleaseee??" you jet out your bottom lip and flash your puppy eyes at Sean, he only smiles and kisses your forehead. "I wish I could y/n parents.." You groan and grab his phone, unlocking it and texting his mom. "Hey..what are you.." his sentence trails off as he looks over your shoulder. 

     "Hey mom..had to stay over y/n's cause the wheel on my bike was slashed and it's too late to go out and get it fixed, see you in the morning❤"

     "Wow okay.." he mumbles as you hand his phone back. "Now can you stay over?.." you ask, hands gripping his thigh. He chuckles lightly and ruffles your hair. "Of dork."

471 words
this is short im sorry

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