don't bother her

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     She was laid out on the couch asleep, in shorts and a sweatshirt, sick as fuck. I felt awful about it, she had been sick for days and can't keep any food nor beverage down. I sat next to her on the sofa, my hand resting on her thigh, stroking it with my thumb. I had brought the fan down for her comfort, the winds making her hair fly back a bit, making her look gorgeous though she was ill.

     A loud knock on the door snapped me away from my thoughts, y/n stirs for a second before relaxing again. Standing up, I make my way to the door, and open it. I groan aloud as my eyes meet the figure of the sweaty male before me. "What do you want?" y/n's ex looks me up and down with disgust. "I just wanna see y/n alright? Heard she was sick and needed to make sure she was alright.." rolling my eyes, I stand my ground, not giving in.

     "And why do you care? You never cared when you two were together, why care now?" he only sighs angrily in reply. "Just let me see her!" he starts to get loud, but I don't budge. "I think you should leave man..she doesn't want to see you..leave her be." he shakes his head and ignores me, pushing his body against mine in an attempt to push me over to get inside.

     He yells y/n's name, causing her to wake up. "Dude. Leave." I push him back, looking behind my shoulder to see y/n sitting up rubbing her eyes. "But I-" I slam the door in his face locking it, and heading back to the couch. "Hey baby..sorry he woke you.." I frown, softly pushing her back down. "Go back to sleep alright? You need rest.." I smile down at her as she grabs my hand, smiling at me. "Thanks Sean.." 

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