Part 2 - Today's The Day

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 Tatty’s P.O.V

It was dark and the press wasn't outside the doors. Everyone else were geting in the car's  to go back to the village but Im going to walk it. ‘Where you going missus??’ Tom shouted out the care, ‘Oh im gonna walk it’ I shouted back. The next thing I knew he was holding my hand and we were walking to the village in our matching Team GB clothes. I swear I have 15 different pairs of tracksuits and stuff for the next two weeks. ‘So, your excited for tomorrow, right??’ Tom asked while pulling me in by the waist. ‘No, Im scared and nervous, I have the whole countries weight on my shoulders and this is my first Olympic games Tom, Im scared..’ I replied. We stopped. ‘He walked so he faced me took my face in his hands and said ‘Don’t be nervous, Just remember I will be watching you and so will our ‘diving’ family, My family and your family will be looking down on you!’ He said while giving me a kiss. We carried on walking and the next thing we knew we were at the village. It was against the rules but the diving team instructors pulled some strings so me Tonia, Sarah, Tom, Chris and Jack all shared a flat. But we had to swear that me and Tom wouldn’t share a room at all.

We got in and everyone was asleep. I checked the time and it was about half past 10, ‘Good Night Tatty!’  Tom said while hugging me as tight as ever.

Next Morning.

Todays the day. My alarm went off at half 7, just in time to put some make up on, have a shower and run to the food hall and get food. No- one else but Chris was up so we went down together. ‘Are you nervous Chris??’ I asked, ‘Not really, I know my family and You will be watching and after what happened 3 years ago I will do my best!’ He replied ‘Are you Scared?’  He added ‘Yes, I am, I may be 2nd in the world but im scared of doing what Jack did last night..!’ I replied. ‘You won’t , I’ve seen you train, I know I have see Jack dive and you’re the same age but you are both amazing!’ Chris added.

Chris’ P.O.V

I am quite nervous, Me and Tatty have to diving periods today. I have the semi – Finals and If I get through the Finals. Tatty has the preliminaries and If she gets through the semi-final. She will get in it, she is one of the bet divers I have ever met. Better then Nick and Pete, Now that’s saying something. We were in the car going to the aquatics centre. ‘Chris, My stomach is doing flips!’ Tatty busted out crying. I pulled her in for a hug ‘Its alright Just remember in the crowd my family, Tom, his family and Me will be watching you! If you need help just look at me.

The last half an hour went so slow but we reached the centre for 8. As soon as we got there I was ushered to practice and every half hour till half nine we switched between men and women to practice. Some of the others divers look nervous and kept swimming but me and Tatty were doing pretty amazing. Getting ever single dive perfect.

Tom’s P.O.V

I woke up Tonia and Sarah were getting ready to get their nails painted and Jack was still in bed. ‘Shit!’ I thought ‘Where’s Tatty and Chris!’ I added. I ran and put a vest and Team GB shorts on. I grabbed a piece of cold toast off the side and ran down to get a car to the aquatics centre. We reached there 5 minutes before the Men’s 3m synchronised spring board started. Just as well really because I would of missed Chris’ first dive.

I ran in and saw Tatty sat next to Chris’ parents and brother and sister. ‘Morning!’ I said while giving her a kiss on the cheek. The women on the over speakers asked us to take our seats and we did. Chris was first you knew when he was walking up the stairs to the springboard. His first dive was okay even though he went crocked on the landing.

Tatty’s P.O.V

These last two hours had gone fast it was the last men diver so I had to start walking to the ready room. I gave Tom a quick hug and Chris’ family said good luck. I walked down and In the hall way I saw Chris ‘Do you want me to stay down her with you?? Or??’ Chris asked ‘No, Mr Im in The Final, Go sit with your parents they were crying and need a hug!’ I replied as much as I wanted him to stay. ‘Okay, Good Luck and remember need some help look at me, Ill be there the whole time and by the way you dive first like me.’ He added and left.

I was now bricking it. When I got in our ready room I just quickly got changed and met my coach. She gave me the pre competition speech. She said her usual ‘You can only do your best, and what I saw this morning you are going to do amazing you only have 4 dives to make it perfect’, I said the usual ‘Okay, I will do everything I can’.

I walked out and the crowd went mental. I had a quick jump in the pool picked my chamois cloth up and wiped myself dry with it. My name was called as I walked up the steps to the springboards. The first dive I had was a basic 2 flips and ½ a twist. I did it almost straight away.

When I landed I popped my head above the water the crowd were so loud. I got out the water and went straight over to my coach, she told me I need to land a bit better but otherwise it was perfect. She coaches Chris and Peter Waterfield Tom’s partner. She is amazing, considering I have been diving for 5 years and she has got me this far! The time had gone quick and it was the last dive I had to do all my dives before have got me in first or second place I kept on rotating between the two. They said my name on the speakers and I walked up the stairs I got up there, slapped my legs to get ready. I got to the edge of the board stood with my back toward the crowd and started to jump up.

Tom’s P.O.V

The crowd roared when she hit the water. It was amazing, people were up on their feet and everything. It was the best dive I had seen in a long time. Chris’ family made these 10 judges card for him but they held them up. It was incredible. There were tears in Lindsey her coaches eyes and In Chris’. They have known each other for the last 6 years and that’s how she got in to diving. She was fostered by his mum and dad and has the same last name. They eventually adopted her too. So when I say Chris’ family I mean their family.

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