Fighting Moment ⟴ 1

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So it's here! The new Klance book, an alternative Among Others, to say
ヽ(^Д^)I'm so excited to share this story with you😊

Quite different from my two others as it's both written in third person and in past tense, and I'm also going to try and not be so dramatic in this book, like I was with my first 2 other books. Of course I will have dramatic scenes here, but I'm not going to be dramatic in like every paragraph in every chapter, like I always am 😬

ANYWHO, I just really missed Voltron and how it used to be, so then this book happened. It is set in the first two seasons, because we all need some nostalgia
*cries in bonding moment™*
But of course I will slink in information we gathered in the other seasons.

So, as always, I want to say thank you for choosing this book and I wish you will enjoy reading it❤️

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There is various things Keith hates - just look at his attitude almost everyday -, but most of those things doesn't bother him every single microsecond of his life. He could make up a whole list of them, and Lance would top that list.

He hates social interactions and someone defying him. He hates people chewing food loudly and he hates getting his past brought up, but the hatred towards those things is nothing in comparison to when Lance opens his mouth, spitting nothing but bullcrap up his face whenever they're in the same room. Keith couldn't really count how many times Lance has made him want to rip his ears off, but he knew it's many enough to be highly concerning.

"Lance!" the red paladin roared, quickly activating the shield in front of him as the druids kept firing shot after shot at him. Thumps and groans could be heard behind him, as the other paladins tried their best to defend themselves from the encumbrance. "I said keep left! You literally did the complete opposite of what I told you to do!"

Keith's voice hurt, probably because of the previous fights him and Lance had just yesterday. What he wouldn't do for a cup of warm tee. But up here in space, it's either deal with the ache or warming up a cup of Nunvil, and Keith would rather lose his voice completely than drink any of that. If he thought about the liquor long enough he could still feel it's odious taste on his tongue.

"Keep left? And be near you? Never!" Lance made a poor endeavor to shoot down one of the druids but he missed with too many inches. He tried to cover it up with another shot but the blast flew further away than the first one. Clearing his throat unobtrusively he shouted, "Besides, why would I be taking orders from you? You're not my leader, and your instructions sucks, just as much as you do!" He groaned as he got shot in the back.

"Stop being ridiculous and just listen to whatever order you get!" Keith rolled to the side, but immediately regretted that action as Shiro got a blast in the back. He stumbled forward and then threw an admonishing look at the red paladin.

"Keith", he firmly said. "Stay in the same position. You need to protect your teammates. This isn't a solo game."

Lance turned his head to the conversation, shit-eating grin on his face. "Ha! Take that, mister listen to whatever orders you get!" He screeched as the drone hit him in the stomach, sending him tumbling to the floor. The blue paladin didn't make an attempt to stand back up.

The glorious sight of a defeated Lance was distracting enough for Keith to miss the drone just beside him that shot a hard blast to his side, pushing him down, landing on top of the laying paladin on the floor. Lance groaned and Keith puffed at the impact.

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