Settle for nothing ⟴ 7

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I'm currently writing this while having a stomachflu, so excuse me if this chapter is a little bit slurry🤢

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Keith had been pushing himself through Avatar looking aliens for at least one hour now, with no general direction of where to actually go. He couldn't settle for standing in one place, so he was a little bit everywhere. He even considered returning to the castle without informing the other's, but the thought of getting a really prolonged lecture from both Allura and Shiro - and possibly having sleep being taken away from him even if this had nothing to do with Query Quest -  what stopped him from doing just that. Instead he wandered around from spot to spot, wanting to punch something. Or more preferably someone. Just Lance.

He didn't even know if he had the right reason to, but he didn't care. He kept on pushing himself forward, through the crowd of blue. People were starting to give him stares, but he didn't care about that either. Maybe it was just his imagination, but the music around him had grown louder, and he wanted to take the band members instruments and snap them all in half, so they wouldn't be able to play anymore. His thoughts had become brutal, and that was another thing he didn't care about.

Something he spotted several meters ahead of him stopped him in his tracks, standing completely still in the middle of the ballroom. The piano increased in speed, or maybe it was just his pulse creating chaotic sounds in his head. The music went faster, but the processing in his head went so incredibly slow, alongside with everything moving around him. It all almost stopped, until the only action left was the one in front of him.

And there he was, the blue paladin himself, eating up a Farglan girl's face like he'd gone starving for weeks. They stood amongst every other dancing couple, or where they even dancing anymore? Everything had seemed to stop, except the little movement further away from the kissing duo. There was Allura, turning her head in that direction, just as Lance was getting all in for the kiss, and Keith could swear he could hear him pant in excitement from over here.
Lance had landed a girl, Allura was only just glancing at it all.

It was official. He had succeeded in his plan.

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He ripped the band aid out of his hair, throwing it on the training deck floor with a grunt. Hi hair fell down in more tamed curls around his face, after being put up for almost two hours straight. He felt ridiculous in a ponytail like this, even if it would keep his hair out of his face now that he was about to train his frustration away. He rolled up the sleeves of his black shirt, until they both reached his elbows, and he experimentally clutched his fist, to see if there would be any tightness from the clothes. The fabric pressed into the crease of his arms, but nothing he couldn't bear. He took a hold of his bayard and started the training sequence, setting it on level five.

When he started moving, his anger was being extinguished dreadfully slow, like everything else around him. The slowing effect hadn't left him yet, and it increased his annoyance just a notch. Or maybe several notches. Maybe a whole set of notches.

Over the clangs of his sword meeting the metallic gladiator, there was another sound, a little bit far off, but definitely there.

"There you are! How long have you even been here for?" Lance's chirpy voice cut through the noise Keith's weapon was giving off. The red paladin spun around, gawking at the strutting boy appearing in the room, his hands stuffed in his jeanspockets, a pleased look on his face. His hair was ruffled, looking the opposite of how it had been when they had just arrived in Fargland, and there was a very apparent, deep blush on his face. He sighed happily, looking up at the ceiling as if to thank any powerful source up there for giving him such a blessing.

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