Jesus take the wheel ⟴ 3

265 10 1

Current status: Sick and drowning in tissues.

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Keith woke up by a loud, strident blaring, and out of pure instinct, he flew up into a sitting position, pulling out his dagger from under the mattress in one swift movement, holding it in front of him, ready to attack. The blaring continued though, but no instructions followed. It was too early for their alarm to go off, and Allura had promised him and Lance that she wouldn't wake them up ten minutes earlier for this time, so what was all of this? Another fake attack? But wouldn't Allura scream for them to get up then? Or maybe this was a real attack, and the princess was injured? Keith didn't want to risk anything, so he quickly got up, glad that he hadn't been able to fall asleep fully, and tore down his jacket from the wall, running out of his room. It would take too much time to go get his bayard in the other room, so he had to last with only his knife for now. Besides, the control room was closer to the armors anyway.

When he made it to his destination, he was surprised to find only Allura and Coran standing there, waiting for him with crossed arms. No one else was here.

"What's going on?" Keith panted once he stopped running, going up closer to the two Alteans. "Is there an attack going on? Where's the others?"

"Lance will be here any tick, just you wait", Allura muttered as an answer to Keith's latest question, looking at something over his shoulder.

"What do you mean ju..."

"WHAT THE HEEELL!" Someone shrieked from behind Keith, and he twirled around looking at who had appeared, frowning.


"Yeah, Jesus, Keith, Jesus! His help would really be appreciated right now!" Lance snarled, walking up to the trio. He looked like total wreck. His hair was beyond the average level of bedhead, his face partly smeared with a green face mask - but the where too many spots where it had gone off, which made him look terrifying -, and his blue pyjama robe was starting to fall off of his shoulder, the fabric wrinkled in too many places. One of his lion slippers weren't even on his feet.

"You look horrible", Keith pointed out, crossing his arms.

Lance whipped his head towards Keith, his eyes twitching, blodshot. "Hmph, thank you Keith, for making such an amazing observation! As if I don't quiznacking know!" He turned to the Alteans. "What the hell happened? And why won't the blaring in my room and phone stop?"

"We put up the alarm in your room, and made the other paladin's room's soundproof so they wouldn't be able to be awaken by the noise outside", Allura explained, like she had totally expected Lance's outburst and had rehearsed her answer beforehand. "As for you, Lance, I knew that the alarm had no effect on you since you always sleep with those ridiculously big headphones, as Pidge said they are called, so I made sure to connect the alarm to your communicating device too, to get you to really wake up."

"But why?!" the blue paladin wailed, looking jilted. "Is this your way of showing your love for me? Because then I might have to teach you a thing or two about affection."

"This is my way of showing a true punishment for your foolish behaviour." Her face laid in shadows as she continued. "If you two thought I would be kind enough to let you get on with what you're doing without teaching you a lesson, you are deeply mistaken. The second round of Query Quest starts directly after breakfast."

"But princess", Keith chimed in, trying to keep his voice as neutral as possible. "You said that you would let us sleep. You said that you wouldn't take away any minute from our..."

"Well, I lied", she snapped. "You two don't deserve that kind of dispensation. I will pull through with exactly everything I first told you. This was your first punishment, now go head for breakfast before you receive your second forfeiture."

Query QuestTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon