Pondering ⟴ 8

225 11 3

Fun fact: I hate school. And most importantly the Home Ec test we will have tomorrow that I most definitely didn't study for :D

But uhh, here, have this dose of Klance:

⟴ ⛢ ⟴

Hunk had been stuffing Keith's face with food at least half of the day now.

And the problem was that he definitely didn't have the appetite for all of that, and only felt like throwing it all up. But Hunk insisted that he needed to make sure the food sank all the way down the stomach, before it could show any effect. And he basically had the red paladin pinned to the chair, so there was no way for him to escape.

According to the healing pod, Keith's very intensive training, mixed with too little energy from not eating well, and his blood loss was what caused him to pass out, and the fact that he couldn't even recall harming his body in such way beforehand, was enough for Hunk to cook like hell for a meal that could feed a whole universe. Keith's stomach twisted in disapproval by just looking at the amount of it.

Today was their second day of banquets, and Keith luckily had a reason not to attend to it. He didn't even need to fake his infirmity, since it was very much real. Too real. As soon as he woke up, his legs wanted nothing but double over, and even if the pod provided him with the nutrients he needed to survive, it wasn't as near as enough as his body craved. Besides, Alteans didn't require half of how much nutrients an average human did, so the pod was stingy with that. That's why Hunk insisted on stuffing his face with so much food.

But there was something that disturbed him, beyond the whole eating 'till you burst situation. And that was Lance. Just like before, Keith found himself staring at him so intensely that he was almost seeing in a blur, watching as he argued with Shiro at the end of the kitchen table, gesticulating dramatically. The height difference was almost humorous. 
But it's what they talked about that disturbed him. They were talking about him, and Lance kept giving reasons as to why they all couldn't just attend to the banquet without Keith, because the citizens needed to see all the paladins, for "good image". "Wouldn't want to lower their expectations, right?" Lance had asserted, crossing his arms. Shiro had answered in a very annoyingly calm voice that they would explain the situation to the aliens, and that Keith needed to stay in the castle to rest.

"That's ridiculous. Just leave him here all alone? Not that I'm concerned about his well being, but what if he manages to pass out again, because of his lack of responsibility? Someone needs to watch this guy, that's why I'm kind enough to offer my help. Not out of concern, of course", the blue paladin said, raising his head high.

There was no sign of annoyance on Shiro's face, and a little yank of the corner of his mouth revealed his amusement. "I'm sorry Lance, but we can't let you stay here. Not when Keith can handle himself fine here. And we certainly can't afford to cancel this banquet either. We've prepared so long for it, and two absent paladins is way worse than one." He put his metallic arm on Lance's shoulder, and he huffed, looking to the side. "But don't worry, I know Keith will be just fine, and we don't have to be away for so long. We'll be back in no time."

"Be just fine?" Lance repeated, slowly unfolding his arms, raising his eyebrows. "Be just fine?! I don't think you understand, Shiro, Keith doesn't do just fine, and that's why he passed out in the first place! To leave him alone again could just risk something like that to happen again. Oh, maybe this time he will train himself to death! What a lovely idea! Great leadership, Shiro!"

"I understand that you're concerned, Lance...", the black paladin began.

"I'm not concerned!"

"...but you have nothing to worry about. I wouldn't leave him alone if I didn't feel like he couldn't take care of himself. Besides, we are close by. It's not like we will be thousands of lightyears away from him. He can always call for help if something is wrong."

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