¿Qué? ⟴ 9

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Ok so now I love our Home Ec teacher, wtf?? I was so stressed about this test but then when we entered the classroom and the first thing I see is her making tea for us. Tea! On a test!And she was like "just ask me and I'll make you a hot cup of tea, and there is honey and anything you would like to add to it. Just do your best, and don't stress." Like yes??? Thank you so much??? I don't even like tea but thank you anyways??? 

Please don't come at me, I don't like coffee either

Also, it was really easy to cheat, but ehem, let's not get into that.

And those who finished early could make cookies but since I'm always so slow with everything, I could just sit and do the test as everyone else made them, and I even got three of them! Without needing to bake them! In other words, this was the most chill test I have ever had in my entire life.

⟴ ⛢ ⟴

Keith had changed his mind. 

He'd come to a conclusion: the pod had made him crazy too, and now the effects were slowly starting to come off of him. That he'd even asked Pidge for such a favor in the first place.

In the process of his slowly fading craziness, he tried to occupy himself with other things to do in the castle. His legs had automatically taken him to the training deck, no matter if he knew in the far back of his mind that it maybe wasn't so wise to put his body through such an intensive exercise so soon after literally passing out, but that automatic side of him was stronger. Always have been. But Keith quickly discovered that someone must have disabled the simulation function, so he'd been yelling for the training sequence to start for almost five minutes straight, but got nothing more than a sore throat out of it. And he wasn't really in the mood to sword fight with himself, so he eventually left the big room. Dammit, the paladins knew him better than he wanted them to. 

With the training out, he didn't really have any other options in his head. Training was basically what he always did, and having that taken away from him made his head empty. What was there even to do for him then? Training was basically... him. Maybe he could just make a fool out of himself after all and swing his sword around in the air with no opponent to fight against. There wasn't anyone there to watch him, anyways. 
But the cameras. Not only would they capture his humiliation, but also the fact that he was training in the first place.

So he was currently in his room, dagger beside him on the bed - which he had stared at for what felt like a decade but was maybe just ten minutes - and Pidge's phone was on the other side of him, looking tempting as ever. The fact that she even lent it out to him in the first place, is what set him off the most, like she was supporting his previous and very rubbish idea. She just gave it to him, with no words, only that damn twinkle in her goddamn eyes, like she knew something Keith didn't, and liked to watch him suffer from his ignorance. That's what frustrated him the most. Not knowing. His determination to figure things out he couldn't understand is what always but him above everyone else at the Garrison, and what gave him such high scores that made everyone so irate with him - and what also made the team find the blue lion in the first place. People said that he was a natural, but it wasn't like that at all. He'd spend the whole evening inside his room to solve all the problems he just couldn't seem to solve, until he'd fall asleep late at night only to wake up even more cantankerous than he already was, and people just assumed that his attitude came with his smartness. But really it was just his very bad communicating skills, no matter how rested he was.

So that's why he picked up the phone now, ever so slowly, looking down at the neon orange screen, deciding if he would proceed with this plan and turn it on. He hated that he didn't understand. He hated that Lance could say whatever the hell he wanted in that foreign language of his and Keith wouldn't understand shit. And most importantly, he hated that he cared. And although Lance had already told him what he had said, Keith couldn't seem to believe him. Not with the way he said it.

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