Query Glare ⟴ 2

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My sleep? Poor.

My motivation to do good in school? Non existent.

My mood? Bad.

Hotel? Trivago.

⟴ ⛢ ⟴

There were a certain amount of pride both boys wanted to hold onto, but it was that very friable thread between dignity and chagrin - that could easily snap - that made them cautious. They would do everything with a limit, both taking Allura's warning very earnestly. Going into war with purple aliens in space was already enough, but being plundered of sleep would be too much. That's why both paladins couldn't get away. They were stuck here, in the longue room, being forced to hold hands. They could have skipped the handholding part, if it wasn't for the security cameras hidden in every corner of the big room. Ever since Sendak managed to break into the castle, Coran, Allura and Shiro was taking the security to another level. Soon enough you couldn't even take a shit without being recorded.

Both boys glared at each other, trying to make the other unfold. But they hadn't even accomplished the first step of this activity;

"You take my hand", Keith muttered.

"No, you", Lance countered with an equal harshness in his voice. "I don't want to be the one to take initiative."

Keith was starting to grow impatient. He had already lost a big amount of poise in him, and Lance wasn't making the situation better. 

"Just take my hand! Don't make this any harder."

"Funny coming from you, Mr Grumpy Pants. Why don't you make this easier and take my hand, hm?"

"Lance..." Keith muttered very lowly, on the verge to snap.

"Keith", he said back.

"Just...!" In a swift movement, Keith's arm flew up, and the next second, Lance's hand was drowning in his much paler one, warm and surprisingly soft - from what he could feel with his bared fingers that the gloves didn't cover. It took some seconds for the boys to realize what was going on, and when they did, they wanted nothing else but to escape this horrific moment. Keith seethed with a rage that would take some time to supress, and he let some of it out by squeezing Lance's hand a little to hard. 

"Ouch! Keith, soften the grip a little, geez! You're crushing my hand!"

Said boy needed to grit his teeth tightly, letting the force he held pass down to his feet instead, curling his toes firmly against the metallic floor. He eased his clutch just a tad, looking to the side.

"You're already sweating", he noted, making the blue paladin shift uncomfortably.

"Your hand is burning", Lance stated, huffing and putting his free hand on his hip. "It's like a damn heater."

Keith rolled his eyes. "Just ask me a question."

A short lived silence fell over the paladins, and as much as Keith wanted to get this over with, he couldn't help but to love that he wasn't hearing Lance's aggravating voice for just some seconds. He couldn't figure out if the blue paladin was making up a question in his head or just didn't want to follow Keith's order.

But then he said: "Okay, I have a question. Why are you goddamn annoying all the time? It's been pondering me since... well, I first saw your irrelevant face in the Garrison."

The red paladin scoffed. "It's mutual. I can't stand being around you without wanting to punch something. You're talking all the time."

Lance seemed offended. "Well you're barely talking at all! You're so... boring! Always brooding and being emo. Have you ever tried to smile for once? Whenever you're in the room, the atmosphere gets depressing as hell."

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