This ones literally about my boobs

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Grapes idlis and one day watermelons. This was the metamorphosis I was waiting for with my body. I was slowly seeing myself change into idlis but it just stayed that way for the longest time. Who hates idlis? Not me! My old cook, her name was gundu paati, I never knew her real name. My brother called her that for apparent reasons, when he was a small kid and we never stopped. She had the best recipes for idli sambar. It's not uncommon for old people like her to have saggy breasts. Its also not uncommon for young people too! Breasts are overly sexualised. It's only sexy when it's a certain way according to the media. People love to make jokes about your size like it makes you less of a woman the smaller your boobs are. I'm super small, super happy and still very much a woman! Now If you want to go under the knife and go smaller/ bigger you do you, no judgement here. As long as you know that it makes you happy and you're doing it purely for yourself.(.) (.)

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