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A lot of thing about my country is loveable for me but there is one thing that sticks out like a sore thumb. Somehow everyone wants to make it their business to tell me how much I should eat, how much clothing I can wear, what to wear, how much makeup etc. And they assume that a girl who doesn't fit in these social constructs is liable to get raped. These thoughts, these ideas only further our nations rape culture. Rape culture exists to keep our women in check. To let us know that we have to be inside by a certain time and we are the ones who need to be careful of the big and scary "men". When the Nirbhaya case was all over the news, I was in Manali on a school trip. On our way up a small hill, we were discussing the case with one of our female teachers and she was explaining to us that it WAS her fault for being out at night with a boy. All of my sheep headed friends were agreeing with her. Now I understand why she would think that. This crazy society telling her that it couldn't possibly be his fault for her being so gruesomely raped. How could she have known any better? She thinks SHE should've been more careful and not been out so late. I didn't even feel right explaining that she wasn't even out that late. And even if she was, it's not a justification for rape. Boys are out just as much, it's not fair.
I remember this one time at 8 pm I was walking with my friend and we saw this guy shaking his junk vigorously. I felt uncomfortable that I was the thought that went through your head at 8 in the night. He was just happy I came his way now I know some of you will think it's my fault for making a boy masturbate  in the street at 8 in the night. 1. It's not my fault. it's not my fault that that guy felt so comfortable that they can pull their junk out of their drawers and out to the public. Why was he outside of my house at 8 at night? 2. Do you not realise this flaw in our culture? I have been educated to understand that if I want to comfortably study in my college , I need to dress in such a way that I don't Instill feelings of rape amongst our male staff .does it seem right for us  33 girls, to change the way we dress just to prevent the sexual harassment that could possibly come our way from 2 male staff?No.  I just take part in his tomfoolery because I want to pass without any problems.I'm not ok with my country's rape culture. I personally have not been raped. And I can't say I know what it's like, but the dirty looks, the way men talk about women, the slutshaming. All of this are a form of rape and I can damn well say these are almost daily occurrences

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