Clean your room!

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I always look forward to spending some girl time with my mom. If I don't go to vellore, she'll come here to Bangalore and spend a weekend with me. Let me tell you how that goes. I love mess. I like keeping my stuff unorganised-ly organised. Living alone means I can freely be this way. I ask myself " where is my bobbin case?" " oh right you threw it on that table and it fell and rolled under the bed, check there." I almost always find my things. Almost. She walks in and feels overwhelmed with fear. She starts organising my house, cooks some food and the weekend goes by just like that.  I know I probably should be more organised, but seeing things so perfectly arranged makes me so angry! It looks so pretty and it's not going to stay this way forever ( like most things in life). Before she comes over I take a solid two hours to clean my house. It's so annoying that after all that she still sees my house as a dumpster. Today my sister and puppy have come to Bangalore. He's over a month old now and that's means my house has to be really clean and organised so he doesn't choke on small draping pins and also so I don't have a " my dog ate my homework" situation. ( jury is coming up and that would not be fun) I realised I cleaned way more for my puppy than I did for my mom.

My insecurities Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora