Untitled Part 5

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I love thinking about the way it snowed in the winter . My siblings and I jumping around making snow angels and snowmen. It's funny snow angels are made lying down and snow men were made to stand up. Even the snow can be sexist sometimes. All jokes aside this next insecurity is definitely in the top 5. My mom was picking us up from or after school dance class or something thing and i remember it being very cold outside. I remember because walking to the ambulance I was freezing, but not shivering. I was trying to process what had just happened. The roads were icy because someone forgot to take the ice off the road in that place. The Car skid Nd skid and my mom tried her best to control the car so that it didn't fly off of the bridge we were on. Once she got off the bridge she steered the car into a wall to stop it from skidding any further. My face slammed right into the front seat. I didn't feel anything. My body couldn't feel anything. We got it of the car and my mom took a good look at us and called the ambulance. She tried to keep her face as normal as possible when she saw us. My sisters front two teeth were knocked in, baby teeth, and my eyelid had torn. If I was hit just a cm in I would've lost the eye.  The scar near my eye was dark and prominent the following year. It changed the shape of my eye and made my face asymmetrical. I know it sounds trivial but most insecurities sound trivial to some people. It's healed now but the scar still remains haunting me of that night.

My insecurities Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat